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54339 有的妄议中国援助有不可告人意图,旨在抢占地缘政治利益。 Some rebuked that China 's aid had hidden motives and aimed to seize geopolitical interests.
54340 种种奇谈怪论和荒唐做法层出不穷, Different kinds of grotesque and absurd allegations emerge one after another.
54341 搅动着国际舆论场,企图将本国政府疏忽大意、不作为而给本国人民带来巨大祸害的责任推卸给中国。 The only purpose is to shift the blame on their governments' negligence to China.
54342 这种嫁祸于人的政治伎俩凸显其政治上的阴险和丑恶,也反映出其极端民粹主义、种族主义的卑鄙无耻、自私自利,令人愤慨,必须坚决驳斥和揭露。 This political trick is full of insidious and ugly purposes, reflects some persons' Extreme Populism and Racism, which must be firmly refuted and exposed.
54343   一、中国抗击新冠疫情作出巨大牺牲和贡献,功不可没。 1. China has made tremendous sacrifices and contribution to the fight against the epidemic.
54344 自从新冠肺炎病毒爆发之后,为了控制病毒传播,保护人民生命安全和健康, Since the outbreak of COVID-19, in order to control the spread of epidemic and protect the safety and health of the people,
54345 中国政府采取最全面、最严格、最彻底的防控举措,迅速成立中央应对新冠肺炎疫情领导小组,做出强有力的果断部署, the Chinese government has taken the most comprehensive, rigorous and thorough measures, and quickly established the Central Leading Group on Responding to the Novel Coronavirus Disease Outbreak.
54346 调动全国各地数万名医务人员紧急赶赴武汉和湖北各地,协助支援治病救人, The central government mobilized tens of thousands of doctors and nurses from all parts of the country to rush to Wuhan, Hubei Province to treat patients and save lives,
54347 动用大量的人力物力在短短十天内建起几千张床位的两座医院和大量的方仓医院, and invested huge amount of manpower and material resources, built two hospitals with thousands of beds and a large number of Makeshift hospitals in just ten days.
54348 并决定对武汉封城,禁止人员流动,所有市民必须在家自我隔离。 China made the momentous decision to suspend outbound travels from the city of Wuhan, and all citizens must be quarantined at home.