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54349 全国各地立即紧急行动起来,发布预警警报,按照突发事件应对法和国家应急预案 In accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China and the rules of the national emergency management,
54350 ,要求所有大中小学、工厂企业、商店、酒店、餐馆和公共馆所全部无条件关闭,停工停产,紧急投入防控疫情,治病救人。 all schools, factories, shops, hotels, restaurants and public areas are required to shut down unconditionally to prevent and control the epidemic.
54351 在短短的两个多月里,中国采取一系列超常规的严厉防控措施停工停产,不惜代价治病救人,直接带来了数以亿万计的经济损失。 Within just two months, China has taken a series of extraordinary and strict prevention and control measures to suspend business activities, and spared no effort to save lives. This directly caused hundreds of millions of economic losses.
54352 中国以自我牺牲的精神与新冠疫情作斗争,不仅有力地保护中国人民的生命和健康安全, With the spirit of self-sacrifice, China has not only effectively protected the lives and health of the Chinese people,
54353 也为世界各国提供了防疫抗疫的宝贵经验和时间窗口, but also provided valuable experience and time window for other countries to prevent and combat epidemics.
54354 更重要的还在于中国严厉控制人员流动,有效减少新冠病毒在世界各地传播,将病毒祸害减少到最低限度,直接为世界各国防疫做出了巨大的贡献。 More importantly, China has severely controlled the flow of people, effectively reduced the spread of COVID-19 around the world, made great contribution to the prevention of pandemic worldwide.
54355 中国一边在国内抗疫,一边与世界各国分享防疫抗疫经验,派出医疗专家赶赴一些疫情严重的国家给予医疗帮助, While continuing to control epidemic at home, China has shared its experience in epidemic prevention and control with other countries, and sent medical experts to some severely affected countries.
54356 给127个国家和一些国际组织援助数十亿元的口罩、检测仪器、试剂、医疗器械。 So far, the Chinese government has provided over billions RMB worth of anti-epidemic supplies to 127 countries and some international organizations, including surgical masks, protective gears and testing reagents.
54357 中国慈善组织、机构、公司企业和个人给世界各国捐赠医疗救济物资。 The Chinese charities, enterprises, civil groups and even individuals donated medical supplies to countries in need.
54358 在疫情得到基本控制后,中国政府紧急组织、协调企业复工复产, After the epidemic was basically controlled, the Chinese government urgently organized and coordinated enterprises to restart business activities,