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54359 大规模生产口罩、防护服、呼吸机、检测仪器等医疗用品,供应世界各国,为各国防疫抗疫提供不可缺少的帮助,挽救了数以亿计的民众生命。 and mass-produced medical supplies such as masks, protective suits, ventilators, and medical instruments to provide various anti-epidemic materials to the international community, saved hundreds of millions of people's lives.
54360 中国秉持人类命运共同体的理念,即使对那些污蔑中国和早期限制中国人入境的国家都不计前嫌,无私地给予力所能及的援助和支持。 Upholding the vision of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind, China gives selfless assistance and support within its capacity, even to those countries which used to slander China.
54361 这是中国对人的生命的尊重和保护,是中国弘扬伟大的人道主义精神的具体体现。 This is how China respects and protects human life, and concrete demonstration of China's humanitarian spirit.
54362 世卫组织和绝大多数国家的政府和人民都高度肯定中国所做出的牺牲和贡献。 The sacrifices and contributions of China has been widely recognized and highly praised by the international community.
54363 所以,任何抹煞、诋毁、污蔑、攻击中国为防疫抗疫的牺牲和贡献。 Those who accuse China of being nontransparent are unjust and insulting to the great sacrifices and contribution made by the Chinese people.
54364 那种把救命恩人当仇人的海盗式举动,不仅非常荒唐,而且非常无情无义。中国人民和世界各国善良的人民绝不答应。 The piratical act of treating a rescuer as an enemy is not only absurd, also ruthlessness. Neither Chinese people nor kind people around the world will agree.
54365   二、中国依照新病毒报告法律制度办事,合理合法。 2. China acts in accordance with the rules of reporting new virus in a reasonable and legal way.
54366 所谓中国隐瞒疫情的谬论,是一些西方政客和媒体热衷的话题。 The so-called fallacy of China concealing the epidemic is a hot topic for some Western politicians and media.
54367 实际上,这是非常不客观不真实的。 In fact, this is very nonobjective.
54368 按照医学研究通例,任何一种不明病毒发现之初,医学界和疾病控制部门都会非常谨慎地进行科学分析, According to the general rules of medical research, at the beginning of the discovery of any unknown virus, the novel coronavirus is a novel virus, which means it takes time for us to research and draw conclusions accordingly.