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54369 尽可能搞清楚其病理、性质、毒性、特性、病毒形成机理、传播形式以及危险性和危害性,然后才能发布相关信息。 The scientists have to research its pathology, nature, virulence, characteristics, virus formation mechanism, transmission forms, risk and harm before releasing relevant information to the public. This is a science-based process.
54370 在没有得出科学的准确判断结论之前,任何人都不能随意发布信息,以免引起社会公众的恐慌,造成社会混乱,冲击社会经济发展秩序。 Before reaching a scientific and accurate conclusion, no one can release information at will, so as not to cause panic among the public, cause social chaos, and impact the social and economic order.
54371 中国早期谨慎处理这个新病毒的做法,完全符合世界各国应对新病毒的惯例。 China's early handling of this new virus was in full compliance with the world's normal practice.
54372 2019年12月27日,湖北省武汉疾控中心检测发现不明原因的肺炎病例之后, On December 27, 2019, after the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in central China's Hubei Province detected cases of pneumonia of unknown cause.
54373 国家卫生健康委员会立即派出专家组赶赴武汉,指导做好疫情处置工作,开展调查研究。 The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China (NHC) made arrangements in the wee hours, sending a working group and an expert team to Wuhan to guide epidemic response and conduct on-site investigations.
54374 在极短的时间内,中国医学专家经过严谨的科学分析,分离出毒株,测定其基因序列, In a very short period of time, Chinese medical experts isolated the virus strains and determined its gene sequence after rigorous scientific analysis.
54375 2020年1月2日中国疾控中心、中国医学科学院对湖北送检的第一批4例病例标本开展病原体鉴定。 On January 2, 2020, The Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences received the first batch of samples of four patients from Hubei Province and began pathogen identification.
54376 国家卫生健康委员会制定《不明原因的病毒肺炎防止“三早“方案》。 The NHC came up with a set of guidelines of early discovery, early diagnosis and early quarantine for the prevention and control of the viral pneumonia of unknown cause.
54377 1月3日起,中国政府毫不延迟与世卫组织、有关国家和地区组织以及中国港澳台主动通报疫情信息。 As of January 3, China has been regularly informing the WHO, relevant countries and regions and China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan about the pneumonia outbreak.
54378 中国开始有关病毒情况通报美国疾病控制中心和有关国家卫生主管部门。 China began to inform the United States of the pneumonia outbreak and response measures on a regular basis.