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54379 1月5日,世卫组织首次向全球通报中国武汉出现的不明原因肺 On January 5, WHO released its first briefing on cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan China.
54380 炎。此后,中国按照世卫组织《国际卫生条例》的规定,每天向世卫组织报告疫情信息, Since then, in accordance with the provisions of the International Health Regulations, China has briefed the epidemic information to WHO every day,
54381 还30多次通报美国,毫无保留通世界各国分享防控治疗经验。 and notified the United States more than 30 times, also shared its experience in prevention and treatment with other countries without reservation.
54382 国家主席习近平1月22日分别和法国总统马克龙和的德国总理默克尔通电话,通报疫情,提出开展抗议合作的倡议。 On January 22, Chinese President Xi Jinping talked over phone with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel respectively, informed the epidemic situation and proposed to work with the international community to effectively tackle the spread of the disease.
54383 1月24日武汉施行封城,更是以最全面最严格的举措警示国际社会:新冠肺炎病毒具有巨大危险性、危害性,如不采取最严格的措施,就不足于控制病毒的传播,不足于控制疫情。 The closure of Wuhan on January 24 was the most comprehensive and strict measure to warn the international community, COVID-19 virus is of great danger, if we do not take the strictest measures, it is not enough to control the spread of the virus or the outbreak.
54384 中国通报的所有数据都非常透明、客观、全面,所作所为完全遵守国际法和中国国内法,符合法治原则, To control the epidemic. The information released by China is transparent, objective and comprehensive, what China has done is in full compliance with international law and domestic law in China, in line with the rule of law,
54385 超出世卫组织的标准,很好地履行了所有的国际义务,为世界各国树立了榜样。 many of which are well beyond what is required by the International Health Regulations and Recommendations of the WHO and set a good example for the world to handle major epidemic.
54386 中国既不存在隐瞒疫情的主观故意,也不存在任何隐瞒疫情的过失。 China has neither subjective intentions to conceal the epidemic situation nor any fault to conceal the epidemic situation.
54387 无过错即无责任。这是古老的罗马法原理。 No fault is no responsibility, which is the principle of the old Roman law.
54388 疫情蔓延全球不是中国的过错,妄图让中国承担损害赔偿是毫无理由和依据的。 It is not China's fault that the epidemic spread around the world, so there is no reason for China to be liable for damages.