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54389   三、中国援助各国防疫抗疫援助绝对真诚,妄加猜测是有害的。 3.China's assistance to other countries in epidemic prevention and control is absolutely sincere.
54390 武汉爆发新冠肺炎疫情后,中国得到了世界许多国家的同情慰问、援助,让中国人民倍受感动。 The Chinese people will never forget that the international community gave us valuable support and assistance since the epidemic break out.
54391 中华民族是一个知恩图报的民族,从古至今奉行大爱无疆的信念,深深铭记这份恩情。 The Chinese nation is grateful and always reciprocates other's kindness.
54392 在中国基本控制疫情的同时,中国政府和人民以滴水之恩涌泉相报的精神回报世界各国,对那些给予中国援助的国家以数倍甚至数十倍的付出加以回报。 While guarding the domestic defense against the pandemic, we are also doing our best to provide assistance to other countries in need.
54393 中国人民将人的生命看得高于一切。 When people's lives are at stake, nothing matters more than saving lives.
54394 面对肆虐全球的新冠疫情、祸害生灵的危机,中国义无反顾,超越意识形态、宗教信仰、经济利益考虑,对世界各国进行力所能及的帮助,其动机和目的完全就是为了帮助各国拯救受到疫情威胁的人的生命。 COVID-19 epidemic is posing a grave threat to people's safety and health. It is useless to argue over the merits of different social systems or models.
54395 一些西方政客和媒体从狭隘的自私的角度出发,带着有色眼镜看待中国所作所为,对中国真诚的人道主义援助视而不见听而不闻,污蔑中国利用援助扩大国际影响力,谋取地缘政治利益。 Some Western politicians and media view China's actions from the selfish perspective, ignore China's sincere humanitarian assistance, and accuse China of using aid to make "political propaganda" and seek geopolitical interests.
54396 其实,这些政客想多了,中国人还真的没有往这些方面想过、算计过,也没有任何动机和意图来追求这些虚无缥缈的幻象。中国的想法非常简单,就是治病救人。 In fact, these politicians worried too much. China does have that many motives. It is very simple for us to do our very best to help countries and people in need, and work with the international community to save lives and safeguard public health.
54397   四、煽动仇恨中国,搞种族歧视,违背基本人权价值观。 4. Incitement to hatred and racial discrimination violated basic human rights values.
54398 美国领导人一度将新冠病毒称为“中国病毒”、“武汉病毒”,对中国进行污名化。 US leaders stigmatized China by calling the novel coronavirus "China virus" or "Wuhan virus".