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54399 少数西方政客直接指控中国是新冠病毒源头,公然掀起仇恨中国的浪潮。 A few Western politicians have directly accused China of being the source of the novel coronavirus, openly stirring up a wave of hatred against China.
54400 美国华人华侨乃至其他亚洲国家的侨民不时受到殴打、袭击、谩骂和侮辱。 Chinese Americans and expatriates from other Asian countries have been beaten, attacked and insulted from time to time.
54401 全球各地种族主义、白人至上民粹主义被引爆。这种煽动仇恨、搞种族歧视的恶行是上个世纪60年代反殖民主义和人权保护运动以来所罕见。 Racism and white supremacy populism around the world were detonated. Since the anti-colonialism and human rights protection movement in the 1960s,such evil behaviors that incite hatred and racial discrimination were quite rare.
54402 一些西方政客满口人权保护,对所谓中国侵犯人权口诛笔伐,如今反过来对中国搞种族歧视和仇恨。 Some Western politicians talk all the time about protecting human rights, accuse the so-called human rights abuses in China, but now they engage in racial discrimination and hatred against China.
54403 这是赤裸裸煽动种族仇恨和种族歧视、侵犯人权的举动。不仅如此,他们还不顾本国人民死活,采取各种借口,不批准、延迟或阻扰中国援助或出口医疗物资,延误拯救生命。 Not mentioned they ignored the lives of their people, seized various excuses to disapprove, delay or hinder China 's aid or export of medical supplies. This is against humanity and should be held accountable and punished by law.
54404 联合国早在1965年就通过《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》, As early as 1965, the United Nations adopted the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
54405 明确要求联合国会员国禁止任何种族歧视或任何煽动种族歧视的行为, which explicitly requires States Parties shall assure to everyone within their jurisdiction effective protection and remedies, against any acts of racial discrimination which violate his human rights and fundamental freedoms contrary to the Convention,
54406 授权受到歧视的任何个人可以对遭受歧视的任何损失向法庭请求得到公正充分的赔偿。 as well as the right to seek from such tribunals just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for any damage suffered as a result of such discrimination.
54407 中国人民保留依照国际法对美英澳政客煽动种族歧视的言行追诉、寻求公正赔偿的权利。 The Chinese people reserve the right to pursue prosecutive actions and seek fair compensation for incitement to racial discrimination by some politicians in accordance with international law.
54408 新冠疫情是人类面临的全球公共卫生危机,需要世界各国团结一起共同应对。 COVID-19 epidemic is a global public health crisis,the critical task for all countries is to unite, fight and defeat it together.