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54444 The coronavirus has devastated households, communities, and people across the globe. 新冠病毒对世界各地家庭、社区和人口造成了沉重打击。
54445 It makes no distinction for national boundaries, physical abilities, or socioeconomic levels.It has reached remote communities, urban areas, politicians, health care workers, celebrities, and refugees. 它跨越国界、人们的身体素质或社会经济水平而传播,蔓延至偏远社区和城市地区,感染了政客、医护人员、名人以及难民。
54446 Without question, the pandemic, officially known as COVID-19, poses a threat to people everywhere. 毫无疑问,新冠肺炎(COVID-19)大流行对世界各地人们构成了威胁。
54447 Yet, some groups will clearly bear the worst brunt of its impact.  很显然,一些人群将首当其冲地遭受疫情的影响。
54448 I am one of the lucky ones. 我是幸运者中的一员。
54449 About a month ago, I contracted the coronavirus. 大约一个月前,我感染了新冠病毒。
54450 Fortunately, my symptoms were manageable. 幸运的是,我的症状可控。
54451 I had a persistent fever, body aches, chronic fatigue, burning in my chest, and the characteristic loss of taste and smell. 当时,我的症状包括持续发烧、浑身疼痛、乏力、胸口灼热以及典型的味觉和嗅觉丧失。
54452 My symptoms lasted what seemed an eternity. 这些症状持续存在,似乎永不消失。
54453 For over a week, I felt like each day was endlessly repeating itself. 一周多时间内,我感到每一天都周而复始地重复着。