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54454 There was also the guilt and worry that I could have infected my colleagues, my friends, and my family, as I must have been contagious before I was symptomatic. 另外,我也为有可能传染给同事、朋友和家人而感到内疚和担心,因为我肯定在出现症状之前就有了传染性。
54455 The self-isolation was also tough, particularly at a time when I wanted to be engaged in the global response to help mitigate this crisis. 自我隔离的日子也很难熬,特别是在我希望参与缓解新冠危机的全球行动的时刻。
54456 But now, four weeks later, I am recovered. I am among the fortunate who have rebounded from it. 四周之后,我康复了,有幸成为逃过一劫的人们中的一员。
54457 COVID-19 poses a threat to people everywhere. 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)大流行对世界各地人们构成了威胁。
54458 Yet, some groups will clearly bear the worst brunt of its impact. 很显然,一些人群将首当其冲地遭受疫情的影响。
54459 Unfortunately, for so many people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, this pandemic has the potential to be catastrophic.  不幸的是,这一大流行病可能会对很多人造成灾难性打击,特别是最贫困和最脆弱之人。
54460 Those most at risk include migrants trying to practice social distancing while living in overcrowded camps, disabled people who may have difficulties accessing information about public health and prevention of COVID-19, and indigenous peoples who lack the essential services they need to prevent an outbreak. 面临最大风险的人群包括试图保持社交距离但栖身于拥挤不堪营地中的流动人口、难以获得公共卫生和新冠肺炎预防方面信息的残疾人、缺乏预防疫情爆发所需的基本服务的土著人。
54461 These groups will be disproportionately affected. 这些人群将尤其会受到影响。
54462 Unless we take a socially equitable approach to this crisis one that is concerned with social justice, community development, equity, human rights, and cultural sensitivities we cannot mitigate the horrendous effects the virus will have on these vulnerable communities. 除非我采取一种具有社会公平性的方法来应对此次危机——一种关乎社会正义、社区发展、公平、人权以及文化敏感性的方法,否则我们就不可能缓解这一病毒对脆弱社区造成的可怕影响。
54463 The lessons from previous pandemics, including the 2014-16 Ebola outbreak, highlight the importance of social responses to crisis management and recovery: these are an essential complement to medical efforts. 从应对之前各种大流行疫情(包括2014-2016年的埃博拉疫情)过程中获得的经验揭示了全社会采取措施管理危机和确保危机后恢复的重要性:这些措施是医疗行动的必要补充。