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54464 We’ve learned that responses require a whole-of-society approach, with solutions coming from governments, communities, civil society organizations, and the private sector. 我们已经认识到应对行动需要全社会参与,需要政府、社区、公民社会组织以及私营部门找出解决方案。
54465 This will be especially important now for high-risk and vulnerable populations. 当今,这一策略对高风险和脆弱人群尤为重要。
54466 Often, responses look to established or well-known systems to relay accurate information and solutions to people. 通常,应对行动仰仗成熟或众所周知的体系向人们传递准确信息和解决方案。
54467 For example, trusted community leaders can influence the behavior of millions of people, helping ensure that accurate and culturally sensitive health messages are conveyed and that assistance reaches those who need it the most. 例如,可信赖的社区领导人能够影响成百上千万人的行为,帮助确保准确且具有文化敏感性的医疗卫生信息得到传递,确保援助惠及最急需援助之人。
54468 Communities’ collective action is especially important where government delivery channels are weak or overwhelmed, or where there is little trust between citizens and health authorities.   在政府传播或援助渠道薄弱或不堪重负或公民与卫生主管部门之间信任度很低的地方,社区的集体行动尤为重要。
54469 At the World Bank Group, we are taking broad, fast action to help developing countries strengthen their pandemic response and health care systems to contain the spread and impact of COVID-19. 就世界银行集团而言,我们正在采取广泛、迅速行动,帮助发展中国家加强疫情应对措施和医疗体系,遏制疫情传播和影响。
54470 The first group of projects, amounting to $1.9 billion, will assist 25 countries, and new operations are moving forward in over 60 countries. 投资总额达19亿美元的首批项目将对25国提供援助,若干新项目将在60多个国家推进。
54471 In addition, we’re working to redeploy resources in existing World Bank-financed projects across every region. 此外,我们将努力在世界各地的现有世行贷款项目下重新部署资源。
54472 Social development programs are playing a critical role in the World Bank's response to the crisis. 在世行应对新冠危机的行动中,社会发展项目正在发挥关键作用。
54473 They are engaged in multiple and innovative ways through the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), operational responses, and new citizen engagement techniques. 它们正在借助《环境和社会框架》、项目层面措施以及全新的公民参与方法、以多种创新渠道发挥作用。