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54474 Social development programs are playing a critical role in the World Bank's response to the crisis. 在世行应对新冠危机的行动中,社会发展项目正在发挥关键作用。
54475 As part of this initial response, the Bank is using community-driven development (CDD) programs, an approach that puts communities at the center of designing solutions and allocating resources to respond to the acute financial and material needs of the most vulnerable. 作为最初应对行动的一部分,世行正采用社区主导型发展(CDD)模式应对疫情——该模式将社区置于解决方案设计和资源分配的中心,由其回应最脆弱人群的紧急资金和物资需求。
54476 CDD programs provide targeted support, for example, to women, unemployed youth, the elderly, returned migrants, and people whose micro and small businesses are facing disruption. They have also been a trusted way to deliver solutions that respond rapidly and flexibly to natural disasters, economic crises, and post-conflict situations. 社区主导型项目可向妇女、失业青年、老年人、返乡务工人员以及小微企业面临业务中断的企业主等人群提供专项支持,也是传递可快速、灵活应对自然灾害、经济危机以及冲突后形势的解决方案的可信渠道。
54477 In Myanmar, as part of the national CDD program, facilitators are delivering local language information on preventing the spread of COVID-19 in partnership with UNICEF. 在缅甸,作为国家CDD项目的一部分,项目促进人员正在同联合国儿童基金会合作,以当地语言传递预防COVID-19传播方面的信息。
54478 Afghanistan is using the Citizens’ Charter, the country’s most reliable safety net program, to reach about 13 million people across all 34 provinces, in rural and urban areas.  阿富汗正在借助公民自治组织项目(该国最可靠的安全网项目)惠及全国34省的约1300万城乡人口。
54479 Citizens’ Charter is helping the government quickly send out COVID-19 preventative health messages and explore ways to channel funds directly to communities and vulnerable groups. 该组织正在协助阿富汗政府快速传递COVID-19预防信息,也在协助寻找向社区和脆弱群体直接提供资金援助的方法。
54480 This national CDD program builds on the track record of its predecessor, the National Solidarity Program (NSP), in assisting internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees, addressing hunger in difficult seasons and most recently, preparing for Afghanistan’s peace settlement. 该项目依托其前身——国家团结项目——在以下几方面的良好记录:援助国内流离失所者和返乡人员、应对艰难季节饥饿以及最近为阿富汗冲突和平解决做准备。
54481 Community-driven development will be important in our comprehensive action to stem the social and poverty impacts of COVID-19 and to support the recovery of resilient communities.  在我们为遏制COVID-19造成的社会和致贫影响、支持社区恢复所采取的全方位行动中,CDD模式将发挥重要作用。
54482 Overall, the Bank Group expects to deploy up to $160 billion over the next 15 months to help countries protect the poor and vulnerable, support businesses, and bolster economic recovery. 总体而言,世界银行集团有望在今后15个月内部署多达1600亿美元资金,帮助有关国家保护贫困和脆弱人群、支持企业发展以及促进经济复苏。
54483 For many of the poorest countries, we have an opportunity to change the trajectory of this crisis by using socially equitable approaches. 对于全世界很多最穷国,我们有机会通过采取具有社会公平性的方式来改变当前危机的轨迹。