ID 原文 译文
54484 I truly believe we can overcome the worst impacts of this pandemic. And not just for someone as fortunate as myself, but for everyone.  我深信我们将能够克服这一大流行病造成的最坏影响——不仅对像我这样的幸运之人如此,对所有人都是如此。
54485 2020年4月28日外交部发言人耿爽主持例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on April 28, 2020
54486 俄新社记者:美国白宫国家贸易和制造业政策办公室主任纳瓦罗指责中国向美国出口假冒伪劣新冠病毒检测试剂盒,并从疫情全球大暴发中牟取暴利。 RIA Novosti: White House trade adviser Peter Navarro accused China of sending low quality and even counterfeit coronavirus antibody testing kits to the US and profiting from the pandemic.
54487 中方对此有何评论? I wonder what's China's comment?
54488 耿爽:纳瓦罗一贯谎话连篇,毫无诚信。 Geng Shuang: Navarro is a habitual liar. He has no credibility to speak of.
54489 他曾经在自己的多部书中引用一个所谓专业人士“罗恩·瓦拉”的言论来批评攻击中国,但后来自己公开承认这个人物完全是他虚构出来的,令国际社会大跌眼镜,感到震惊。 He used to cite a so-called professional named "Ron Vara" in many of his books to attack China, a person who turned out to be fictional, as publicly admitted by Mr. Navarro himself. That revelation was so jaw-dropping to the international community.
54490 同样道理,他现在这些说辞纯属谎话和谬论,完全都是虚构的。 In the same vein, what he said this time was nothing but lies.
54491 法新社记者:美国总统特朗普称中方隐瞒疫情导致病毒蔓延至全世界,美国应向中方索赔。 AFP: The US President Donald Trump suggested on Monday that he may seek damages from China over the COVID-19 pandemic due to China's cover-up.
54492 中方对此有何评论? What's your reaction to this suggestion?
54493 耿爽:这几天我已多次回答类似问题,并向大家多次介绍了中方疫情防控的具体时间线。 Geng Shuang: I took many similar questions before and shared a detailed timeline of China's epidemic response.