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54494 事实已经很清楚了。 I think the facts are crystal clear now.
54495 我要再次强调,美国政客一再罔顾事实,睁着眼睛说瞎话,目的只有一个,就是企图推卸对自身疫情防控不力的责任,转移视线。 I must stress again that the sole purpose for some US politicians trying to fool others with their obvious lies is to shift the blame of their own incompetence. However, facts speak louder than words.
54496 但是,事实胜于雄辩,公道自在人心,他们的图谋绝不可能得逞。 Their attempt is doomed to fail as people have a fair judgment.
54497 美国政客向中国“甩锅”,丝毫抹杀不了中国人民经过艰苦努力取得的抗疫成果,也无助于美国国内的防疫工作,只会进一步暴露美方的险恶用心及其自身存在的严重问题。 By smearing China to shirk responsibilities, the US politicians cannot erase the progress China has made in the fight against the virus or in any way help to contain COVID-19 in the US. Their behaviors will only further expose their ill intentions and serious domestic problems in the US.
54498 我们奉劝美国政客还是要好好反省自身问题,想办法来尽快控制住疫情,而不是继续玩弄“甩锅”推责的把戏。 We urge these US politicians to repent what they did and put the epidemics under control as soon as possible. The last thing they should do is continue playing such tricks as duck-shoving and buck-passing.
54499 路透社记者:澳大利亚日前召见中国驻澳大使,要求其解释中方之前就澳大利亚推动开展病毒溯源和扩散国际调查作出的“经济胁迫”威胁。 Reuters: Australia summoned the Chinese ambassador to explain comments made earlier which the Australian foreign minister called "a threat of economic coercion" in response to Australia's push for an international inquiry into the source and spread of the coronavirus.
54500 中方是否有限制对澳贸易的正式计划?对澳大利亚外交部称中方行为构成“经济胁迫”有何回应? Does China have any formal plans to limit trade to Australia and what's the foreign ministry's response to the Australian foreign ministry's claim that this constitutes "economic coercion"?
54501 耿爽:中方始终坚持在相互尊重、平等相待的基础上,发展同其他国家的友好合作关系。    Geng Shuang: China always develops friendly cooperation with other countries based on mutual respect and equality.
54502 建议大家仔细阅读一下中国驻澳大利亚大使接受采访的原文。 I suggest you carefully read the full text of Ambassador Cheng's interview.
54503 中国大使的有关表态是对澳方近来的一些错误言行引起中国人民不满的担忧,也是对两国关系可能受到影响的担忧。 What he said was about the concerns that the Australian side's erroneous words and deeds recently have upset the Chinese people and that they may impact bilateral relations.