ID 原文 译文
54504 这有什么问题吗?不知“经济胁迫”这种说法从何谈起? Is there any problem with that? How could it have anything to do with "economic coercion"?
54505 在当前新冠肺炎疫情对世界经济造成全面冲击的情况下,中国愿同世界各国加强合作,守望相助、共克时艰,为了全人类的健康福祉作出贡献。 Now the world economy is bearing the brunt of COVID-19 pandemic. China stands ready to work with other countries with stronger cooperation and mutual assistance through difficulties and make contributions to the health and wellbeing of all mankind.
54506 我们也希望其他国家能够同中方一道,多做有利于国际合作和增进互信的事情,而不是说一套做一套。 We also hope other countries will join China in enhancing international cooperation and mutual assistance, rather than say something nice while doing the opposite.
54507 《澳大利亚人报》记者:我读了中国大使接受采访的原文。 The Australian: I have read the full transcript of the Ambassador's interview.
54508 他说“澳方所作所为让中国人民遗憾和失望”,他提到的是中国人民而非中国政府。 He says that the Chinese public is frustrated, dismayed and disappointed with what Australia is doing now. What he said was the Chinese public, not the government.
54509 我想知道他具体指哪些中国人民?作为常住北京的澳大利亚人,我从未听到过任何中国人如此批评澳大利亚,除了中国外交部和驻澳大使。 I would like to know which Chinese people? I'm an Australian in Beijing and I've never heard anyone criticizing Australia like that except from the foreign ministry or from your ambassador in Canberra.
54510 耿爽:你没有听到过吗?你想听吗? Geng Shuang: You haven't heard any of that? Do you want to hear some now?
54511 我建议你上上中国的网络。 I suggest you read Chinese people's comments on the Internet.
54512 很多人老批评中国的网络不自由、不开放。你可以上网看看中国普通民众对当前中澳关系以及最近澳大利亚方面一些言行的反应和评论。    Many people criticize China's internet service as "not free and not open", but you can go online and take a look at what the general public in China have said about China-Australia relations and about Australia's recent comments.
54513 追问:我并不信任网上的评论,它们完全可能是夸大或者编造出来的。 Follow-up: I don't trust these online comments. They can be made up. They can be manufactured.