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54514 在现实生活中,你听说过除了中国外交部或中国驻澳大使馆之外的任何方面表达过对澳大利亚的不满么? Have you heard anyone in the real world express upset outside of the foreign ministry or the Chinese embassy in Canberra?
54515 耿爽:你觉得网上的言论都不真实吗?那是谁在那里发表言论?是机器人吗? Geng Shuang: You don't think the online comments are real? Then who made these comments? Robots?
54516 如果你在现实世界中没有听到这样的言论,证明你的接触面还不够广。 If you haven't heard that in the real world, it's because you are not reaching out to that many people.
54517 希望你作为一名驻华记者能够真正地深入中国社会,了解中国普通民众的所思、所想,这样才能全面、客观、真实、准确地报道中国。 As a journalist stationed in China, you will need to get a deeper understanding of the Chinese society and what's on the mind of the Chinese people. That's a premise for accurate, thorough and objective reports on China.
54518 新华社记者:中国向吉尔吉斯斯坦派遣的联合工作组已于4月27日回国,你能否简要介绍工作组在吉工作情况?中方提供了哪些帮助? Xinhua News Agency: The joint working group China sent to Kyrgyzstan returned to China on April 27. Could you tell us more about their work in Kyrgyzstan and the help China has provided?
54519 耿爽:中国向吉尔吉斯斯坦派遣的这支联合工作组由新疆维吾尔自治区选派,是继乌兹别克斯坦后,中方向中亚地区派出的第二支联合工作组。    Geng Shuang: This joint working group sent to Kyrgyzstan was selected by the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. This is the second joint working group China has sent to Central Asia on top of the one to Uzbekistan.
54520 过去一周,联合工作组在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克市抗疫一线开展工作,实地走访多家医院、疾控实验室和医疗中心等,与吉方政府官员、医疗机构负责人交流,开展现场指导和座谈交流20多次,为当地医护人员、社区工作人员等提供超过15000人次线上线下咨询和培训,毫无保留地分享中方抗疫经验,很多有益的建议被吉方吸收采纳。 Over the past week, the joint working group worked on the frontline in Bishkek, visited hospitals, disease prevention and control laboratories and medical centers, had exchanges with Kyrgyz government officials and heads of medical institutions, conducted over 20 on-site guidance and interaction sessions, provided online and offline consultation and training to over 15,000 local medical workers and community workers to share all they know about the epidemics. Many advisable suggestions have been adopted by the Kyrgyz side.
54521 联合工作组用实际行动诠释了中吉全面战略伙伴关系的高水平和两国睦邻友好精神。 The joint working group has demonstrated the high level of China-Kyrgyzstan comprehensive strategic partnership and the good neighborliness between the two countries.
54522 吉尔吉斯斯坦政府和民众对中方专家的专业素质和敬业精神予以高度评价,称赞联合工作组为吉方抗疫作出重要贡献。 The Kyrgyz government and people highly commend the professionalism and dedication of Chinese experts, lauding the important contributions the joint working group made to Kyrgyzstan's combat against the epidemic.
54523 吉尔吉斯斯坦卫生部还向工作组全体成员颁发了公共卫生卓越贡献奖章。   The Kyrgyz health ministry also conferred a medal for outstanding contribution to public health upon all the members of the working group.