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54524 在吉期间,联合工作组同中国驻吉使领馆密切配合,与在吉华侨、中资机构员工视频连线,答疑释惑,进行科普教育和防护知识宣传,与在吉中国留学生和孔子学院教师代表进行座谈并发放“健康包”,送去祖国的关爱和温暖。    The joint working group also worked closely with the Chinese embassy in Kyrgyzstan to give consultation, share scientific knowledge and protection tips with overseas Chinese and employees of Chinese enterprises in Kyrgyzstan via video link. They also had exchange with overseas Chinese students and teachers from Confucius Institutes and distributed health kits to them, conveying the solicitude and care from their motherland.
54525 中吉是山水相连的友好邻邦,中方愿继续向吉尔吉斯斯坦抗疫提供力所能及的帮助,同时进一步深化双方医疗卫生合作,相互支持、守望相助,尽快战胜疫情,造福两国人民。    China and Kyrgyzstan are friendly neighbors linked by rivers and mountains. China stands ready to provide further assistance to Kyrgyzstan as its capacity allows, further deepen medical and public health cooperation, offer support and assistance to each other so as to defeat the epidemics as soon as possible to the benefits of the two peoples.
54526 中国日报记者:据报道,近几个月,中国美国商会、上海美国商会和普华永道联合开展了两项针对美国在华企业的商业调查。 China Daily: AmCham China and AmCham Shanghai in partnership with PwC China have in recent months conducted two joint surveys on American companies operating in China.
54527 报告显示,大多数美国企业对今后一段时期在华复工复产表示乐观,无意撤离中国市场。 The results show a majority of American businesses are sanguine about seeing a return to normal production activities within the next several months and have no plans to relocate manufacturing out of China.
54528 中方对此有何评论? What's your comment?
54529 耿爽:我们注意到中国美国商会和上海美国商会分别于去年10月和今年3月同普华永道开展的调查。 Geng Shuang: We noted these joint surveys released by AmCham China and AmCham Shanghai in partnership with PwC China in October last year and March this year.
54530 结果显示,大部分美国企业认为中国市场需求和盈利更加稳定,无意撤离中国市场,反对中美经贸“脱钩”,希望两国经贸关系持续健康发展。    The results indicate that most American companies see stable market demand and profitability in China and do not plan to relocate manufacturing out of the Chinese market. They oppose an economic decoupling, and hope to see sustained, sound development of China-US trade relations.
54531 这一调查再次反映出中美经贸关系的强大韧性和互利互惠本质。 These surveys again testify to the strong resilience of China-US trade and economic ties and their mutually-beneficial nature.
54532 两国消费市场规模巨大,产业链、供应链、服务链深度交融。 China and the US have huge consumer markets and our industrial, supply and service chains are deeply integrated.
54533 双方很多企业在投资、生产、研发、销售等方面联系紧密。 Many Chinese and American companies have close connections in investment, production, R&D and sales.