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54534 加强合作是两国企业的正确和理性选择,也有利于推动中美两国和世界经济摆脱疫情的影响、尽早复苏。    It is a correct and reasonable choice for Chinese and American companies to step up cooperation, which will also help China and the US as well as the rest of the world to shake off the impact of and recover from the pandemic at an early date.
54535 当前,中国经济长期向好的基本面没有改变。 The fundamentals for sound economic growth remain unchanged in China.
54536 我们高兴地看到,美国工商界普遍看好中国发展前景,很多企业近期在中国市场扩大投资经营布局。 We are pleased to see that the US business community is most optimistic about the prospects for China's development, and many of them have recently expanded investment and operation in Chinese markets.
54537 比如,美国星巴克咖啡公司“中国咖啡创新产业园”项目在江苏签约,特斯拉公司宣布扩大上海工厂产能,埃克森美孚广东大型乙烯项目举行“云开工”仪式,开市客(Costco)积极筹备在沪开设第二家门店。 For example, Starbucks signed an agreement on its China Coffee Innovation Park in Jiangsu Province; Tesla announced the decision to expand production capacity of its Shanghai plant; ExxonMobil Wednesday broke ground on its ethylene plant project in Guangdong Province with a special "cloud ceremony"; Costco is planning to open a second store in Shanghai.
54538 类似的例子还有很多。 The list goes on and on.
54539 当前,中国政府正为企业复工复产积极提供支持和协助,我们也将继续坚定不移深化改革,扩大开放,放宽市场准入,优化营商环境,为包括美国在内世界各国企业在华发展创造更好条件。 At present, the Chinese government is providing support and assistance to help businesses to resume work and production. We will continue to firmly deepen reform and opening-up, expand market access, improve business environment and create better conditions for companies operating in China including those from the US.
54540 我们愿与各方一道克服疫情带来的影响,在互利共赢的基础上不断深化和拓展经贸合作。    We stand ready to work with all parties to overcome the impact of the pandemic and deepen trade and economic cooperation with mutual benefit and win-win results.
54541 《澳大利亚人报》记者:中国驻澳大利亚大使在采访中说,中国人可能会想,为什么我们要到一个对中国如此不友好的国家去? The Australian: The Chinese ambassador to Australia said in the interview that maybe people in China will think why should we go to such a country that is not so friendly to China. As the foreign ministry of China, have you thought of the reverse?
54542 中国外交部是否想过,包括澳大利亚人在内的外国人,会反过来认为中国不友好,甚至充满敌意?中国外交部是否对此有关切? Is the foreign ministry concerned at all that Australian people and other people around the world might think that China is not so friendly, even hostile?
54543 耿爽:我不知道你是怎么得出中国政府不太友好这个结论的? Geng Shuang: I wonder how you drew this conclusion that China is not so friendly?