ID 原文 译文
54544 上周记者会上你提问时曾说,你的妻子现在没法返回中国。 By the way, you said last week that your wife couldn't come back to China.
54545 我对你表示同情,也希望你们夫妻能够早日团聚。 I sympathize with you and hope you can get together as soon as possible.
54546 但你不能因为个人的一些事情,就得出中国对外国人不太友好这么一个结论。    However, it's not fair to conclude that China is not friendly to foreigners just because of some personal matters.
54547 追问:谢谢你的好意。 Follow-up: That's very kind.
54548 你是否担心,因为中国驻外大使们,包括中国驻澳大利亚大使对合理建议的责备,会让人觉得中国不友好、充满敌意?    Are you concerned that people may think China is not so friendly, and even hostile, when Chinese ambassadors like the ambassador in Canberra tell off countries they are in when they just make a reasonable proposal?
54549 耿爽:我刚才已经说过了,中国驻澳大利亚大使在接受采访时的表态是对澳方近来一些错误言行引起中国人民不满的担忧,以及对两国关系可能因此受到影响的担忧。 Geng Shuang: Like I said, the Chinese ambassador's remarks were to express concerns about the Chinese people's dissatisfaction and possible impacts on China-Australia relations caused by some wrong words and deeds of the Australian side.
54550 我想,作为中国驻外大使,他当然有权利表达这种担忧。 As a Chinese ambassador, of course he has the right to express such concerns.
54551 我不知道你是怎么通过解读中国驻澳大利亚大使的话,就得出中国对外不太友好这么一个结论的?我此前没有听到有人说过这样的话。 I wonder how you drew the conclusion of China being not friendly based on the ambassador's remarks. I haven't heard that from anyone else before.
54552 我建议你进一步加深对中国的了解,而且恐怕要克服一下自身对中国存在的偏见。 I suggest you get a deeper understanding of China and I'm afraid you may have some biases to overcome in this process.
54553 如果有必要的话,我们可以找机会专门就这个问题进行交流。 We could have more discussions on this issue someday if necessary.