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54554 但我想,你作为驻华记者,应该能够感受到,中国是一个开放的社会,中国正在不断地扩大对外开放。 That said, as a journalist stationed in China, I think you can feel that China is open and opening up even wider to other countries.
54555 中国始终敞开双臂,与世界接轨,与世界深度交融,无论是中国官方还是中国民间。 Our government and people have been embracing and deeply integrated into the world.
54556 所以我不知道你这个结论是从何说起、由何得来? So I don't know how you came to that conclusion.
54557 追问:中国驻澳大利亚大使的不悦来自于澳政府关于进行独立调查的倡议,你上周和上上周在记者会上都说过,中国政府认为病毒溯源是科学问题,我很赞同。 Follow-up: The whole origin of the ambassador's unhappiness is that he's not happy about the Australian government's proposal for an independent inquiry. I've heard you say at the press conference last week and the week before that the Chinese government says the origin of the virus is a matter of science. I couldn't agree more.
54558 那为何中方如此反对澳方提出的对病毒源头进行独立、客观、科学的调查呢?   And yet the Chinese government is strongly opposed to a proposal by the Australian government for an independent, objective and scientific review into the origins of the coronavirus. Why is that?
54559 耿爽:我们多次说过,病毒溯源是科学问题,应该交由科学家和专业人士研究。 Geng Shuang: Like we said repeatedly, tracing the origin of the virus is a scientific matter, which should be studied by scientific professionals.
54560 在这个问题上,政客不要随意地发表言论,更不要借此进行政治操弄。 Politicians shouldn't make wanton comments or political maneuvers.
54561 我们认为当前国际社会最重要、最紧迫的事情是加强团结、增进互信、深化抗疫合作。 The most important and pressing task for all countries is boosting solidarity, mutual trust and anti-epidemic cooperation.
54562 这时候提什么“调查”,甚至鼓吹什么“追责”、“赔偿”,我不知道这背后有何用意。 I wonder what's the intention to propose "investigations", demand accountability and even ask for compensation at this particular time.
54563 所以我说,这是一种政治操弄,全世界的人都看得清清楚楚。 That's why I said it's political manipulation, and I believe all people around the world can see through it.