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54564 追问:我知道美国有些声音鼓吹阴谋论,但澳大利亚政府倡议的是进行独立、科学评估,你说病毒起源是科学问题,应该交给科学家和专业人士去研究,而不是政客。 Follow-up: I know there are voices in America talking about some conspiracy theories. The Australian government's proposal is for an independent scientific evaluation. You said it's a matter for scientists and professionals. That's what the proposal is. It's for scientists and professionals. It's not for politicians to do it.
54565 而澳大利亚的提议正是让科学家和专业人士来调查病毒起源,便于国际社会更好地应对疫情。 The proposal is for scientists and professionals to inquire to find out where this thing came from so that the international community can better respond to it.
54566 耿爽:你来自澳大利亚媒体,你们也一再声称自己跟政府是分开的,是独立的。 Geng Shuang: You work with an Australian media agency and you have repeatedly claimed you are independent from the Australian government.
54567 但你刚才似乎在极力推销澳大利亚政府的一些主张和倡议,似乎在替他们发声。    But it does seem like you were trying very hard to sell the propositions and proposals of the Australian government just now. I wonder what was in your mind.
54568 刚才我回答路透社记者提问时已经说过了,我们希望所有国家都能同中方一道,多做有利于促进国际合作、增进各国互信的事,而不是说一套做一套。 Like what I just said to Reuters, we hope all countries will work with China to promote international cooperation and mutual trust, rather than say something nice while doing the opposite.
54569 澳大利亚官方说得冠冕堂皇,但据我们了解,事情可能并不这么简单。    The Australian government poses itself as high-minded, but based on what we learn, this whole thing is not as simple as it appears to be.
54570 我建议你把同样的问题去问一问澳大利亚政府,这时候提议发起这种调查,他们的真实用意到底是什么?如果你质疑中国政府,我建议你也去质疑一下澳大利亚政府。 I suggest you ask the Australian government the same question: what is their true intention by proposing such an investigation at this particular time? Your doubts can be cast on the Australian government, too.
54571 最后我还要说,希望你们夫妻能够早日团聚,希望疫情能够早日过去。    Still, I hope you will be reunited with your wife soon, and hope this pandemic will be defeated at an early date.
54572 印度报业托拉斯记者:昨天,印度最重要的医疗机构印度医学研究理事会(ICMR)称,自两家中国有资质公司进口的大量新冠病毒抗体快速检测试剂盒存在检测结果误差,要求相关省停止使用这些试剂盒。 PTI: India's premier medical body, Indian Council of Medical Research, yesterday declared that a substantial number of rapid anti-body test kits received from two authorized Chinese companies were found to be faulty especially by several provinces, so they have asked the provinces to stop the testing.
54573 我们注意到中国驻印度大使馆已就此事作出了回应。 There was of course a reaction in this regard from your colleagues in the Chinese embassy in Delhi.