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54574 考虑到问题的严重性,中国政府是否将调查此事?是否考虑更换这些试剂盒?    But considering the enormity of the problem, is the Chinese government going to look into this, conduct an inquiry here and see whether they can be replaced in any way?
54575 耿爽:我们注意到有关报道。 Geng Shuang: We have also noted relevant reports.
54576 刚才你也提到,中国驻印度大使馆已就此作出回应。 As you said, the Chinese embassy in India has given a response.
54577 近来,包括印度在内的很多国家在中国市场采购医疗物资。 Recently, many countries including India have bought medical goods from China.
54578 我们在保证国内防疫需求前提下,支持有资质、有信誉的企业对外出口,并在生产、运输、清关等环节为包括印度在内的各国来华采购提供便利,以实际行动支持国际社会抗疫努力。    We support qualified and reputable Chinese companies in exporting such goods while meeting domestic demands. We have facilitated foreign purchases including those by India in terms of production, transportation and customs clearance. These are our concrete actions to support the international efforts against the pandemic.
54579 至于你提到的这个具体案例,两家有关的中国公司都已发表声明,你可能已经看到,这两家公司表示,他们生产的新冠病毒抗体快速检测试剂盒均已通过中国药监局审批,符合质量标准要求,也通过了印度医学研究理事会下属机构印度国家病毒研究所的验证。 As for the specific case you mentioned, the two Chinese companies already issued statements. They both stressed that their COVID-19 antibody rapid test kits have the certification from the National Medical Products Administration of China (NMPA), meet the quality standards, and have also been validated and approved by ICMR through National Institute of Virology (NIV).
54580 同时也指出,有关检测试剂的储存、运输和使用均应遵守严格的要求与规范。    It should be pointed out that there are strict requirements for the storage, transportation and use of COVID-19 antibody rapid test kits.
54581 中印一直就疫情防控保持着密切沟通与合作。 Since the outbreak began, China and India have been in close communication and cooperation in epidemic prevention and control.
54582 中方愿继续及时同印方分享防控和诊疗经验,向印方捐赠医疗物资。 China stands ready to continue sharing experience with India in epidemic prevention, control and treatment and donating medical materials to India.
54583 同时,我们也希望印度方面能本着实事求是的态度,同中方有关公司加强沟通协商,合理妥善地解决有关问题,多做有利于促进双方抗疫合作的事。 Meanwhile, we hope India will strengthen communication and coordination with the Chinese companies, deal with this issue properly and do more to promote bilateral anti-epidemic cooperation.