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54584 印度报业托拉斯记者:我们知道两家公司已经发表了声明。 PTI: We understand the two companies have made statements.
54585 考虑到这些试剂盒有几十万个,数量巨大,以及检测出现的误差,中国政府是否会对此进行调查? Considering the numbers are substantial, about hundreds of thousands of kits, and the differences and discrepancies, is it possible for the Chinese government to conduct its own investigation into this?
54586 耿爽:刚才我说过了,疫情暴发以来,中印双方一直保持着密切的沟通、协调和合作。 Geng Shuang: Like I said, since the outbreak began, China and India have been in close communication and cooperation in epidemic prevention and control.
54587 中方愿意继续同印方分享经验,提供力所能及的支持与帮助,助力印方抗击疫情。    China stands ready to continue sharing experience with India in epidemic prevention, control and treatment and donating medical materials to India.
54588 至于你提到的具体案例,我们希望印方能够同有关中国公司加强沟通协调,妥善地加以处理。 As for the case you mentioned, we hope India can strengthen communication with China and deal with it properly.
54589 中印之间的沟通渠道始终是畅通的。 The channels for communication between China and India remain unimpeded as always.
54590 印度报业托拉斯记者:计划今天举行的金砖国家应对新冠肺炎疫情特别外长会已经召开了吗? PTI: Has the BRICS foreign ministers' video conference taken place today?
54591 耿爽:金砖国家应对新冠肺炎疫情特别外长会将于北京时间今晚召开。    Geng Shuang: The BRICS foreign ministers' extraordinary conference on COVID-19 will be held tonight Beijing time.
54592 你应该已经看到了中方发布的消息,国务委员兼外交部长王毅将出席此次特别外长会。 I believe you read our statement that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the BRICS foreign ministers' extraordinary conference on COVID-19.
54593 目前金砖国家各方正同东道主俄方保持沟通,开展会议筹备工作。 All BRICS members have been in contact with Russia, the rotating chair, to prepare for the conference.