ID 原文 译文
54594 疫情当前,国际社会需要的是团结互助,共克时艰。 Faced with the pandemic, all countries need to pull together to defeat the virus.
54595 中方支持俄方召开此次外长会,也期待金砖国家就合作应对疫情和推动国际抗疫合作扩大共识,对外发出积极信号。   China supports Russia in holding this extraordinary conference. We hope BRICS countries will expand consensus and send out positive signals of boosting BRICS cooperation and international cooperation in response to COVID-19.
54596 关于中方出席会议的情况,我们会及时发布消息。 More information on China's participation in the conference will be released in due course.
54597 《澳大利亚人报》记者:路透社的报道称,中方一支医疗队已赴朝鲜。 The Australian: Reuters published a news story about a team of doctors from Beijing being sent to the DPRK.
54598 请问共有几名队员?他们是何时出发的? How many were sent and when were they sent?
54599 耿爽:这两天一直有类似的提问,我的答案跟以前没什么区别。 Geng Shuang: Similar questions were asked time and again, but my answer is still the same.
54600 我不知道有关报道的消息源是哪里,我没有这方面的信息可以提供。 I don't know where the reporters got the information, and I have nothing to say on that.
54601 记者:是路透社的报道。 Follow-up: It's a Reuters report.
54602 耿爽:那你应该去问路透社,他们的消息源是哪里,他们从哪得到的消息? Geng Shuang: Then you should ask Reuters for their source.
54603 记者:我是说路透社发表了相关报道,你说你没有读过。 Follow-up: I mean Reuters published the report. You said you haven't read it.