ID 原文 译文
54604 耿爽:我没说我没有读过,我是说我不知道这个报道的消息源是哪里。 Geng Shuang: I didn't say I haven't read it. What I said is I don't know what the source is, and I have nothing to say on the news story.
54605 如果你对这篇报道很感兴趣,可以问路透社,他们从哪得到的消息。 If you are interested, I suggest you ask Reuters where they got the story.
54606 记者:我对消息源不感兴趣,我只对事实感兴趣。 Follow-up: I'm not interested in the sources.
54607 事实是中方派遣医疗队去了朝鲜,这很有意思。 I'm interested in the fact that a team of doctors was sent to the DPRK from Beijing. That's very interesting.
54608 耿爽:我说了,我现在没有这方面的信息可以提供。 Geng Shuang: Like I said, I have nothing to say on that.
54609 习近平同尼泊尔总统班达里通电话 President Xi Jinping Speaks with Nepalese President Bidhya Devi Bhandari on the Phone
54610 2020年4月27日晚,国家主席习近平同尼泊尔总统班达里通电话。    On the evening of 27 April, President Xi Jinping spoke by phone with President Bidhya Devi Bhandari of Nepal.
54611 习近平指出,面对突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情,中国人民采取符合中国国情的有效措施,经过艰苦卓绝努力,渡过了最困难时期。 Xi said that facing the sudden attack of COVID-19, the Chinese people have taken effective measures in line with China's national conditions, and thanks to our strenuous efforts, we have emerged from the most challenging time.
54612 我们始终对形势保持清醒认识,已经做好长期应对外部环境变化的准备,正在全力做好疫情防控工作的前提下,积极推动经济社会发展恢复正常秩序。 Yet, we remain soberly aware of the situation and are well prepared for responding to changes in the external environment for a long time to come. While making all-out efforts to ensure sound disease control and prevention, we are proactively restoring normalcy in economic and social development.
54613 中国经济长期向好的基本面不会改变,我们对此抱有充分信心。 We have every confidence that China's economic fundamentals underpinning long-term growth remain solid.