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54614 习近平强调,在中国疫情防控最吃劲的时刻,尼泊尔政府和人民给予中方坚定支持,体现了尼泊尔人民对中国人民的深情厚谊。 Xi stressed that at the most demanding stage of China's fight against COVID-19, the Nepalese government and people gave firm support to China, demonstrating the deep friendship of the Nepalese people toward the Chinese people.
54615 中方也始终关注着尼泊尔疫情发展,将继续向尼泊尔抗击疫情提供坚定支持,两国卫生医疗机构可以加强交流合作。 China has been following the COVID-19 situation in Nepal and will continue to firmly support Nepal in battling the disease. The health institutions of the two countries may strengthen exchanges and cooperation.
54616 相信在你和奥利总理领导下,尼泊尔政府和人民一定能早日战胜疫情。 Xi expressed confidence that under the leadership of President Bhandari and Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli, the Nepalese government and people will beat the virus at an early date.
54617 疫情过后,双方要继续落实好去年我们互访就各领域合作达成的共识,推动中尼战略合作伙伴关系不断发展。    He said that after the defeat of COVID-19, the two sides should continue to implement the consensus on cooperation in various fields reached by the two leaders during their mutual visits last year, and advance the sustained growth of the China-Nepal strategic partnership of cooperation.
54618 习近平强调,面对前所未有的疫情挑战,国际社会比以往任何时候都更需要团结合作,更需要维护多边主义,更需要坚持国际公正和道义。 Xi stressed that given the unprecedented challenges brought by COVID-19, the international community, more than ever before, should stay committed to solidarity and cooperation, and uphold multilateralism and international justice.
54619 中方将秉持构建人类命运共同体理念,积极开展抗疫国际合作,支持世界卫生组织发挥领导作用。    Guided by the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China will actively engage in international cooperation against the virus, and support the World Health Organization in playing its leading role.
54620 班达里表示,在你英明领导下,中国政府及时采取果断有效措施,成功控制国内疫情,并积极推动加强国际抗疫合作。 Bhandari commended that under the able leadership of President Xi, the Chinese government has contained the spread of the virus at home through timely, decisive and effective response measures, and actively facilitated and enhanced international cooperation against the disease.
54621 尼方对此高度赞赏,相信中方的经验将增加其他国家战胜疫情的信心。 Nepal applauds what China has done, and believes that China's experience will boost other countries' confidence in prevailing over the virus.
54622 去年你对尼泊尔成功进行国事访问,推动尼中关系进入新时代,尼泊尔人民迄今仍记忆犹新。 She noted that the Nepalese people still cherish fond memories of President Xi's successful state visit to Nepal last year, a visit that has ushered in a new era for China-Nepal relations.
54623 尼方对中方为尼泊尔抗击疫情提供急需的防疫医疗物资深表感谢。尼方将继续推进两国跨境铁路等领域合作。 She extended Nepal's deep appreciation for the much needed medical supplies from China and stressed its commitment to step up cooperation with China in cross-border railway and other areas.