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54624 相信疫情过后,尼中友谊将更加牢不可破,两国合作将取得更多成果。 She expressed the confidence that after the COVID-19 problem is over, the Nepal-China friendship will be even more unbreakable and the cooperation between the two countries more fruitful.
54625 尼方愿同中方共同推进共建“一带一路”,推动构建人类命运共同体。 Nepal stands ready to work with China to advance the Belt and Road cooperation, and build a community with a shared future for mankind.
54626 Coherent Policy Response Needed to Overcome Coronavirus Crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean 拉美加勒比地区克服新冠疫情危机需协调一致的政策应对
54627 WASHINGTON, April 12, 2020 —The Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region is seeing a sharp decline in growth due to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) crisis, which requires several policy responses to support the most vulnerable, avert a financial crisis, and protect jobs, according to a new report form the World Bank. 2020年4月12日,华盛顿:世界银行新报告称,由于新冠疫情危机,拉丁美洲与加勒比地区(LAC)预计将出现增长急剧下滑,需要采取多项政策应对来救助最脆弱群体,避免金融危机,保护就业。
54628 To help the vulnerable face the loss of earnings from the lockdown, existing social protection and social assistance programs should be rapidly scaled up and their coverage extended, according to “The Economy in the Time of Covid-19,” the latest semiannual report from the World Bank’s Chief Economist Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. 世界银行拉美加勒比地区首席经济学家办公室发布的最新经济半年报《新冠疫情时期的经济》指出,为了帮助脆弱群体面对封城带来的收入损失,应迅速扩大现有社会保护和社会救助计划的规模及覆盖面。
54629 At the same time, governments may need to support financial sector institutions and key sources of employment. 与此同时,政府可能需要支持金融部门机构和关键就业来源。
54630 “We need to help people face these enormous challenges and make sure that financial markets and employers can weather the storm,” said Humberto López, World Bank Acting Vice President for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region. 世界银行拉美加勒比地区代理副行长温贝托·洛佩兹说:“我们需要帮助人民面对这些巨大的挑战,确保金融市场和雇主能够安然度过风暴。
54631 “That means limiting the damage and laying the groundwork for recovery as fast as possible.” 这意味着尽快限制损失并为复苏奠定基础。”
54632 A series of shocks hit economic growth in LAC over the past year starting with social unrest, the collapse of international oil prices, and now the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. Growth is suffering as a result. 拉美加勒比地区的经济增长在过去一年遭受了一系列冲击,从社会动乱开始,接着是国际油价暴跌,现在是新冠疫情危机,增长因而受挫。
54633 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the Latin America and Caribbean region (excluding Venezuela) is expected to be -4.6% in 2020, according to the report. A return to growth of 2.6% is expected in 2021. 报告预测,2020年拉美加勒比地区(不包括委内瑞拉在内)的国内生产总值(GDP)将下降4.6%,预计2021年回归2.6%的增长。