ID 原文 译文
54634 The coronavirus pandemic is fueling a major supply shock. 新冠病毒大流行加剧了严重的供应冲击。
54635 Demand from China and G7 countries is falling dramatically, affecting commodity exporters in South America and exporters of manufactured goods and services in Central America and the Caribbean. 来自中国和七国集团国家的需求大幅下降,影响到南美的大宗商品出口国和中美洲及加勒比地区的制造业产品和服务出口国。
54636 A collapse in tourism is severely impacting some countries in the Caribbean. 旅游业崩溃对部分加勒比国家造成严重影响。
54637 Many countries in LAC are confronting the crisis with a constrained fiscal space. 拉美加勒比地区很多国家对抗危机的财政空间受限。
54638 Higher levels of informality make it difficult to reach out to all households and protect all sources of employment. 非正规化程度较高使其难以覆盖所有家庭和保护所有就业来源。
54639 Many households live from hand to mouth and do not have the resources to cope with the lockdowns and quarantines needed to contain the spread of the pandemic. 很多家庭过着朝不保夕的生活,没有资源来应付遏制疫情传播必需的封城和隔离。
54640 Many also depend on collapsing remittances. 很多家庭还依赖骤减的海外劳工汇款。
54641 To help the vulnerable face this economic challenge, existing social protection and social assistance programs should be rapidly scaled up and their coverage extended. 要想帮助弱势群体应对这一经济挑战,现有社会保护和社会救助计划应快速扩大规模和覆盖面。
54642 At the same time, governments will have to take on the burden of much of the losses. 与此同时,政府必须负担很大一部分损失。
54643 Socializing the losses may require taking ownership stakes in financial sector institutions and strategic employers through recapitalization. 损失社会化可能要求通过资本结构调整在金融部门机构和战略性雇主取得所有权股份。