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54654 “The COVID-19 pandemic is testing the limits of societies and economies across the world, and African countries are likely to be hit particularly hard,” said Hafez Ghanem, World Bank Vice President for Africa. 世界银行非洲地区副行长哈菲兹·加尼姆说:“新冠肺炎大流行考验着全世界的社会和经济极限,非洲国家遭受的打击可能尤为严重。
54655 “We are rallying all possible resources to help countries meet people’s immediate health and survival needs while also safeguarding livelihoods and jobs in the longer term including calling for a standstill on official bilateral debt service payments which would free up funds for strengthening health systems to deal with COVID 19 and save lives, social safety nets to save livelihoods and help workers who lose jobs, support to small and medium enterprises, and food security.” 我们正在动员一切可能的资源,帮助各国满足人民眼前的健康与生存需要,同时也保障更长远的生计和就业,还包括呼吁暂停官方双边债务偿还,以便腾出资金用于加强卫生系统以应对新冠疫情和挽救生命,加强社会安全网以挽救生计和救助失业工人,救助中小企业,保障粮食安全。”
54656 The Pulse authors recommend that African policymakers focus on saving lives and protecting livelihoods by focusing on strengthening health systems and taking quick actions to minimize disruptions in food supply chains. 报告作者建议非洲政策制定者将重点放在挽救生命和保护生计上,集中力量强化医疗卫生系统,采取快速行动把对粮食供应链的干扰降到最低。
54657 They also recommend implementing social protection programs, including cash transfers, food distribution and fee waivers, to support citizens, especially those working in the informal sector. 报告作者还建议实施社会保护计划,包括现金转移支付、食物发放和费用减免,以救助公民、尤其是在非正规部门就业的公民。
54658 The analysis shows that COVID-19 will cost the region between $37 billion and $79 billion in output losses for 2020 due to a combination of effects. 分析显示,由于各种因素的综合影响,新冠疫情将使该地区2020年的产出损失达到370亿至790亿美元。
54659 They include trade and value chain disruption, which impacts commodity exporters and countries with strong value chain participation; reduced foreign financing flows from remittances, tourism, foreign direct investment, foreign aid, combined with capital flight; and through direct impacts on health systems, and disruptions caused by containment measures and the public response. 这些因素包括贸易和价值链中断,影响到大宗商品出口国和价值链参与程度高的国家;移民劳工汇款、旅游业收入、外国直接投资和外国援助减少,加上资本外逃,导致国外资金流入减少;对医疗卫生系统的直接影响,以及防控措施和公共响应造成的混乱。
54660 While most countries in the region have been affected to different degrees by the pandemic, real gross domestic product growth is projected to fall sharply particularly in the region’s three largest economies Nigeria, Angola, and South Africa— as a result of persistently weak growth and investment. 虽然该地区大多数国家都受到大流行不同程度的影响,预计该地区三个最大的经济体——尼日利亚、安哥拉和南非——的实际国内生产总值(GPD )下降尤为严重,原因是持续的增长与投资疲软所致。
54661 In general, oil exporting-countries will also be hard-hit; while growth is also expected to weaken substantially in the two fastest growing areas—the West African Economic and Monetary Union and the East African Community—due to weak external demand, disruptions to supply chains and domestic production. 总的来说,石油出口国也受到沉重打击;但由于外需疲弱、供应链和国内生产中断,两个增长最快的地区——西非经济货币联盟和东非共同体——预计都会出现增长大幅放缓。
54662 The region’s tourism sector is expected to contract sharply due to severe disruption to travel. 由于严格的旅行限制,预计该地区旅游业会出现急剧收缩。
54663 The COVID-19 crisis also has the potential to spark a food security crisis in Africa, with agricultural production potentially contracting between 2.6% in an optimistic scenario and up to 7% if there are trade blockages. 新冠肺炎危机也有可能在非洲引发粮食安全危机,在乐观情景下农业生产有可能收缩2.6%,在出现贸易禁运的情况下收缩幅度可达7%。