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54664 Food imports would decline substantially (as much as 25% or as little as 13%) due to a combination of higher transaction costs and reduced domestic demand. 由于交易成本上升和内需减少的综合影响,粮食进口会出现大幅下降(降幅可高达25%,低至13%)。
54665 Several African countries have reacted quickly and decisively to curb the potential influx and spread of the coronavirus, very much in line with international guidelines. 一些非洲国家做出快速果断的反应,阻止新冠疫情的潜在输入和扩散,基本符合国际防疫指南。
54666 However, the report points out several factors that pose challenges to the containment and mitigation measures, in particular the large and densely populated urban informal settlements, poor access to safe water and sanitation facilities, and fragile health systems. 然而,报告指出有几个因素对防控和缓解措施构成挑战,尤其是在人口密集的大型城市非正规定居点,缺少安全供水与卫生设施,医疗服务系统薄弱。
54667 Ultimately, the magnitude of the impact will depend on the public’s reaction within respective countries, the spread of the disease, and the policy response. 归根结底,疫情影响的大小将取决于每个国家的公众反应、疫情扩散和政策应对。
54668 And these factors together could lead to reduced labor market participation, capital underutilization, lower human capital accumulation, and long-term productivity effects. 而这些因素综合起来可导致劳动力市场参与率下降、资本利用率不足、人力资本积累降低和对生产率的长期影响。
54669 “In addition to containment measures, we have seen that in responding to COVID-19, countries are opting for a combination of emergency fiscal and monetary policy actions with many central banks in the region taking important actions like cutting interest rates and providing extraordinary liquidity assistance,” said Albert Zeufack, Chief Economist for Africa at the World Bank. 世界银行非洲首席经济学家阿尔伯特·祖法克说:“除了防控措施外,我们看到在应对新冠疫情中,各国选择了综合运用应急财政和货币政策措施,该地区很多央行采取了重要措施,比如降息和提供非同寻常的流动性援助。
54670 “However, it is important to ensure that fiscal policy builds in space for social protection interventions, especially targeting workers in the informal sector, and sows the seed for future resilience of our economies.” 但是,重要的是要确保财政政策为社会保护干预、尤其是针对非正规行业工人的干预措施留出空间,为我们经济加强未来的韧性播下种子。”
54671 The authors emphasize the need for a customized policy response to reflect the structure of African economies (especially the large informal sector) and the peculiar constraints policymakers currently face, particularly the deteriorating fiscal positions and heightened public debt vulnerabilities, and the overall low operational capacity to respond. 报告作者强调了量身打造政策应对的必要性,须反映非洲经济体的结构(尤其是巨大的非正规行业的存在)以及政策制定者目前面临的特殊制约,特别是不断恶化的财政状况和公共债务脆弱性上升,以及应对的整体运作能力偏低。
54672 “The immediate measures are important but there is no doubt there will be need for some sort of debt relief from bilateral creditors to secure the resources urgently needed to fight COVID-19 and to help manage or maintain macroeconomic stability in the region,” said Cesar Calderon, Lead Economist and Lead author of the report. 资深经济学家、报告作者塞萨尔·卡尔德隆说:“立即采取措施很重要,但毫无疑问仍需要双边债权人的某种债务减免,以保障防控新冠疫情急需的资源,帮助管理或维护该地区的宏观经济稳定。”
54673 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, economic circumstances within countries and regions are fluid and change on a day-by-day basis. 由于新冠病毒大流行,各国和各地区的经济形势每天变化不定。