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54674 The macroeconomic analysis in the report is based on data available by the first quarter of March 2020. 本报告的宏观经济分析基于截至2020年3月的第一季度可用国别数据。
54675 The World Bank Group is taking broad, fast action to help developing countries strengthen their pandemic response, increase disease surveillance, improve public health interventions, and help the private sector continue to operate and sustain jobs. 世界银行集团采取广泛、快速的行动,帮助发展中国家加强大流行应对,强化疫情监测,改善公共卫生干预,帮助私营部门继续运营和维持就业。
54676 It is deploying up to $160 billion in financial support over the next 15 months to help countries protect the poor and vulnerable, support businesses, and bolster economic recovery. 世行集团将在未来15个月部署1600亿美元资金支持,帮助各国保护贫困弱势群体,扶助企业,促进经济复苏。
54677 Most Commodity Prices to Drop in 2020 As Coronavirus Depresses Demand and Disrupts Supply 新冠疫情抑制需求中断供应导致2020年多数大宗商品跌价
54678 Despite ample supplies of agricultural commodities, trade and supply chain disruptions raise food security concerns. 尽管农业大宗商品供应充足但贸易和供应链中断引起对粮食安全的关切
54679 WASHINGTON, April 23, 2020 The global economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic has driven most commodity prices down and is expected to result in substantially lower prices over 2020, the World Bank said in its April Commodity Markets Outlook. 2020年4月23日,华盛顿:世界银行4月期《大宗商品市场展望》称,新冠肺炎大流行造成的全球经济冲击驱使多数大宗商品跌价,预计将导致2020年大幅跌价。
54680 Energy and metals commodities are the most affected by the sudden stop to economic activity and the serious global slowdown that is anticipated. 能源和金属类大宗商品受经济活动突然停滞以及预期的严重全球经济放缓的影响最大。
54681 Commodities associated with transportation, including oil, have experienced the steepest declines. 包括石油在内的交通相关大宗商品经历了最大降幅。
54682 Despite only moderate impact on the outlook for most agricultural commodities, supply chain disruptions and government steps to restrict exports or stockpile commodities raise concerns that food security may be at risk in places, the report says. 报告说,尽管对多数农业类大宗商品前景的影响不大,但供应链中断和政府限制出口或囤积大宗商品的行动引起了对一些地区可能面临粮食安全风险的关切。
54683 “In addition to the devastating human toll, the economic impact of the pandemic will dampen demand and cause supply disruptions, negatively affecting developing countries that rely heavily on commodities,” said Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, World Bank Group Vice President for Equitable Growth, Finance & Institutions. 世界银行集团公平增长、金融与制度副行长西拉•帕扎巴西奥格鲁说:“除了惨重的生命损失外,大流行造成的经济影响将会抑制需求和造成供应链中断,对严重依赖大宗商品的发展中国家带来不利影响。