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54684 “Policymakers can take advantage of lower oil prices by undertaking energy-subsidy reforms to help free spending for urgent pandemic-related purposes. 政策制定者可以利用油价下跌的机会推进能源补贴改革,帮助腾出资金解决防控疫情的紧急需要。
54685 These reforms need to be complemented with stronger social safety nets to protect the most vulnerable segments of society. 这一改革需要以加强社会安全网相配合,以保护社会中最弱势的群体。
54686 Policymakers must resist the urge to impose trade restrictions and actions that put food security at risk, as the poor would be hit the hardest.” 政策制定者必须抵制采取贸易限制和危害粮食安全的措施的冲动,因为贫困人口会受害最大。”
54687 Monthly average crude oil prices plunged 50 percent between January and March. Prices reached an historic low in April with some benchmarks trading at negative levels. 今年1月至3月原油月平均价格暴跌50%,4月份跌至历史最低点,有些交易基准价跌至负值。
54688 They are expected to average $35 per barrel in 2020, a sharp downward revision from the October forecast and a 43 percent drop from the 2019 average of $61 per barrel. 预计2020年油价平均每桶35美元,比去年10月份预测大幅下调,比2019年平均每桶61美元下跌43%。
54689 The downward revision reflects an historically large drop in demand. 下调预测反映出需求的历史最大跌幅。
54690 The decline in crude oil prices has been exacerbated by uncertainty around production agreements among the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other oil producers. 石油输出国组织(欧佩克)及其他产油国之间生产协议的不确定性加剧了原油跌价。
54691 Energy prices overall (which also include natural gas and coal) are expected to average 40 percent lower in 2020 but see a sizeable rebound in 2021. 预计2020年能源价格整体(也包括天然气和煤炭)平均下降40%,但2021年会出现大幅回弹。
54692 Metal prices also fell in early 2020. 金属价格在2020年初也出现下跌。
54693 The biggest declines were in copper and zinc, which are particularly associated with global economic activity. 铜和锌跌幅最大,因其与全球经济活动联系最密切。