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54694 Metal prices are projected to drop 13 percent overall in 2020 as slowing demand and the shutdown of key industries weigh heavily on the market. 因需求放缓和主要产业关闭对市场造成沉重压力,预计2020年金属价格整体下跌13%。
54695 Industrial metals would be affected the most by the global economic slowdown, in particular that of China, which accounts for more than half of global metals demand. 工业金属主要受全球经济放缓、特别是占全球金属需求量一半的中国经济放缓的影响。
54696 Agriculture prices are less tied to economic growth, and saw only minor declines in the first quarter of 2020, except for rubber, which is used in transportation. 农产品价格与经济增长联系不同紧密,2020年一季度仅出现小幅下跌,交通使用的橡胶除外。
54697 Prices are expected to remain broadly stable in 2020 overall as production levels and stocks of most staple foods are at record highs. 由于多数主食粮食的产量和库存处于历史高位,预计2020年价格总体保持普遍稳定。
54698 However, agricultural commodity production could face disruptions to the trade and distribution of inputs such as fertilizer, pesticides, and labor availability. 但是,农业大宗商品可能面临贸易和投入品(如化肥、农药和劳动力)供应中断的风险。
54699 Disruptions of supply chains have already affected emerging market and developing country exports of perishable products such as flowers, fruits, and vegetables. 供应链中断已经影响了新兴市场和发展中国家的鲜花、水果、蔬菜等易腐产品的出口。
54700 “This enormous shock to commodity markets and low oil prices could deliver a serious setback to developing economies and jeopardize the necessary investments in critical infrastructure that support long term growth and create quality jobs,” said Makhtar Diop, World Bank Vice President for Infrastructure. 世界银行基础设施副行长马克塔·迪奥普说:“对大宗商品的巨大冲击和低油价可能对发展中经济体造成严重倒退,危及有利长期增长和创造优质就业的关键基础设施的必要投资。
54701 “The international community must rally together to address these setbacks by advancing interventions in diverse sources of energy, sustainable transport and access to digital infrastructure and services that allow people to stay connected during these uncertain times. This will be key to delivering vital social services, protecting jobs, supporting business and saving lives.” 国际社会必须联合起来消除这些影响,推进在能源多元化、可持续交通、让民众在不确定时期保持联系的数字基础设施及服务的可及性等方面的干预措施,这将是提供必要的社会服务、保护就业、支持企业和挽救生命的关键。”
54702 An analytical focus examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on commodity markets. 一个分析专题章节审视了新冠肺炎大流行对大宗商品市场的影响。
54703 Mitigation measures taken to control the virus have resulted in an unprecedented collapse in oil demand, and supply chain disruptions could cause dislocations in the consumption and production of other commodities and imperil food security. 为防控病毒采取的缓解措施造成了史无前例的石油需求崩溃,而供应链中断则可能造成其他大宗商品消费和市场错位,危及粮食安全。