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54724 So is making it difficult or dangerous for a woman to get to hospital to give birth. 使妇女去医院分娩成为一件困难或危险的事,也同样是不可接受且非法的。
54725 In some cases, people are dying because of the inappropriate application of measures that have been supposedly put in place to save them,” Bachelet said. 在某些情况下,原本为了救人的措施,如果运用不当,反而会让人们因此送命。”
54726 “In some countries, thousands have also been detained for curfew violations, a practice that is both unnecessary and unsafe. “一些国家有数千人因违反宵禁令而被拘留,这种做法既没必要,也不安全。
54727 Jails and prisons are high risk environments, and states should focus on releasing whoever can be safely released, not detaining more people.” 看守所和监狱属于高危环境,各国应该把重点放在释放那些可以安全释放的人,而不是拘留更多的人。
54728 The guidance document stresses that, as in normal times, law enforcement officials should adhere to the principles of legality, necessity, proportionality and precaution. 该指导方针强调,执法人员应该向平常一样遵守合法性、必要性、相称性和预防性的原则。
54729 “They should only use force when strictly necessary, and lethal force can only be used when there is an imminent risk to life,” Bachelet said. 巴切莱特表示:“执法人员仅应在绝对必要时使用武力,而且只能在生命面临迫在眉睫的危险时使用致命武力。”
54730 Measures and laws introduced in some countries contain references to vaguely defined offences, coupled at times with harsh sentences, fuelling concerns they may be utilized to muzzle the media and detain critics and opponents. 一些国家出台的措施和法律中所提及的罪行定义模糊,有时还处以严厉刑罚,令人更加担心这些措施和法律可能被用来使媒体噤声,拘留批评人士和反对派人士。
54731 Although measures to restrict movement and assembly are legitimate in such circumstances, public confidence and scrutiny are essential for them to be effective. 尽管在当前情况下限制行动和集会的措施具有合理性,但是公众的信任和监督对于这些措施的有效性至关重要。
54732 “It is important to counter misinformation, but shutting down the free exchange of ideas and information not only violates rights, it undermines trust. 高级专员表示:“打击虚假信息固然重要,但关闭自由交流思想和信息的渠道,不仅侵犯权利,而且破坏信任。
54733 False information about COVID-19 poses a huge risk to people. But so do bad policy decisions,” the High Commissioner said. 有关2019冠状病毒病的虚假信息给人们带来巨大风险,但糟糕的政策决定也同样危险。