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54734 Undermining rights such as freedom of expression may do incalculable damage to the effort to contain COVID-19 and its pernicious socio-economic side-effects.” 削弱表达自由等各项权利,有可能对遏制2019冠状病毒病及其对社会经济产生的有害影响的努力造成无法估量的损害。”
54735 The guidance sets out clearly that the measures should not only be necessary to achieve a legitimate public health objective, but that they should also be the “least intrusive” approach required to achieve that result. 该指导方针明确规定,这些措施不仅应该是实现合法公共卫生目标所必需的,而且还应是实现这一结果所需“侵扰性最小”的办法。
54736 “We have seen many States adopt justifiable, reasonable and time-limited measures. 巴切莱特指出:“我们看到许多国家采取了正当、合理、有时限的措施。
54737 But there have also been deeply worrying cases where Governments appear to be using COVID-19 as a cover for human rights violations, further restricting fundamental freedoms and civic space, and undermining the rule of law,” Bachelet said. 但也有些情况令人深为担忧,有些政府似乎在以2019冠状病毒病为掩护侵犯人权,进一步限制基本自由和公民空间,削弱法治。”
54738 Bachelet said that exceptional measures or a state of emergency should be subject to proper parliamentary, judicial and public oversight. 巴切莱特表示,实行例外措施或紧急状态,应受到议会、司法部门和公众的合理监督。
54739 “Different countries are at different stages of the pandemic. Some are starting to come out of emergency measures, while others are extending or reinforcing them. 她还指出:“不同国家处于大流行病的不同阶段。有些国家的紧急措施已即将结束,而其他国家正在扩大或加强紧急措施。
54740 The abiding principle must be that these measures are enforced humanely. 必须遵循的原则是,要以人道的方式执行这些措施。
54741 Penalties for violating them should be proportionate, and not imposed in an arbitrary or discriminate way,” she added. 违反这些措施,应予以适度处罚,而不是以任意或歧视性的方式加以处罚。”
54742 “Given the exceptional nature of the crisis, it is clear States need additional powers to cope. 巴切莱特表示:“鉴于此次危机性质特殊,各国显然需要更多的权力加以应对。
54743 However, if the rule of law is not upheld, then the public health emergency risks becoming a human rights disaster, with negative effects that will long outlast the pandemic itself,” Bachelet said. 然而,如果法治得不到维护,那么此次公共卫生紧急风险就有可能成为一场人权灾难,其负面影响的持续时间将远远超出大流行病本身。”