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54754 各方都需要对历史交出自己的答卷。 We all need to answer these questions in a way that stands the test of history.
54755 金砖国家作为具有全球影响的新兴大国代表,我们应以人类福祉为根本,以公平正义为原则,作出正确的选择,采取有力的行动。 As representatives of major emerging countries with global influence, we BRICS countries must act in the interest of the well-being of humankind, and stand by justice and equity. We must make the right call and do the right thing.
54756 这既是我们应尽的责任和担当,也是五国人民和国际社会的共同期待。为此,我谈几点看法: This is us living up to our due responsibilities. It is also what our peoples and the global community expect from us. To this end, I wish to propose the following.
54757 第一,坚持多边主义,完善全球治理。 First, we should uphold multilateralism and improve global governance.
54758 突如其来的疫情再次告诉我们,各国利益紧密相连,人类命运休戚与共。 The sudden onslaught of COVID-19 reminds us once again that our interests are closely entwined and so are our futures.
54759 面对不分国界、不论民族的全球性挑战,全球治理的重要性不是下降,而是上升了。 A challenge that respects no border and makes no distinction of ethnicity has only made global governance more important, not less.
54760 我们同属一个地球村,共有赖以生存的一个家园。 As we live in the same global village on planet Earth,
54761 推动构建人类命运共同体应当是符合时代潮流的正确选择。 building a community with a shared future for mankind is a right choice that meets the trend of our times.
54762 后疫情时代的世界会是什么样的? People wonder what the world would be like after COVID-19?
54763 有人讲,世界再也回不到从前了。 Some have argued that the world will never be the same again.