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54784 我相信,只要大家携手同心,就一定能筑起抗击疫情的铜墙铁壁! I am confident that, by working together in solidarity, we will forge an ironclad shield against the virus.
54785 第三,坚持团结协作,凝聚强大合力。 Third, we should uphold unity and coordination to forge a powerful synergy.
54786 习近平主席指出,病毒是人类的共同敌人,国际社会只有团结协作,才能战而胜之。 President Xi Jinping stated that the virus is a common enemy of humanity and can only be defeated when we all pitch in.
54787 同处地球村,一家失了火,远亲近邻都不可能独善其身。 Living in a global village, no one could stay safe when others’ houses catch fire.
54788 只有所有国家疫情都得到控制,这场战“疫”的胜利才能稳固。 Likewise, in fighting COVID-19, victory can only be secured when the virus is brought under control in all countries.
54789 中方积极开展国际抗疫合作的初衷,是因为我们自身经历疫情肆虐后,对各国人民当前的困难感同身受。 The fact that China has been a strong force behind international anti-epidemic cooperation is because our own experience has made us fully empathetic with other peoples suffering from similar difficulties.
54790 是因为我们意识到,只有在全球范围内消灭疫情,中国人民的健康和安全才能得到更好保障。 We understand that only when COVID-19 is uprooted in the global sphere, can the health and safety of the Chinese people be better protected.
54791 中方出于人道主义精神施以援手,从来没有意识形态考量,从不寻求任何地缘政治私利。 China’s readiness to help is inspired by humanitarianism; it has no ideological agenda, and is still less driven by selfish geopolitical interests.
54792 各国都在根据自身国情开展有针对性的疫情防控,中方认为应相互理解和尊重各国做出的努力,相互交流和借鉴有益的经验。 As countries battle the disease in light of their own situations, China calls for mutual understanding and respect for these efforts, and sharing and learning from each other’s experience.
54793 抗疫如同救火,时间就是生命。 Fighting COVID-19 is like putting out fire. Every minute counts when life is at stake.