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54794 国际社会不应当让指责和推诿分散我们合作抗疫的精力,更不应容许政治化、污名化的行为制造新的矛盾和分歧。 The global community should never be distracted in its collaborative response by finger-pointing or the blame game, still less should we allow new tensions and divisions to be created as a result of politicization or stigmatization.
54795 中方欢迎古特雷斯秘书长实现全球停火的倡议,呼吁冲突各方放下手中的武器,形成全球团结抗疫的最大合力。 China welcomes the appeal by UN Secretary-General Guterres for a global ceasefire. We call on all parties in conflict to lay down their weapons and form the biggest possible synergy in a worldwide, united response to COVID-19.
54796 金砖国家应该支持联合国各机构为抗击疫情发挥应有作用。 We the BRICS countries must support UN bodies in playing their due roles in fighting COVID-19.
54797 世界卫生组织是协调推进全球抗疫合作的核心力量,在帮助广大发展中国家尤其是非洲兄弟姐妹抗击疫情方面更是不可或缺。 The World Health Organization (WHO) is a central force in coordinating the global response, and is indispensable for helping developing countries, especially our African brothers and sisters, in fighting the disease.
54798 支持世卫组织,就能挽救更多生命,就能治疗更多病患,就能更有效应对病毒,就能凝聚起全球抗疫力量。 Supporting the WHO helps us save more lives, treat more patients; it enables a more effective response against the virus and is conducive to pooling global strength.
54799 在人类与病毒抗争的关键时刻,任何削弱世卫组织的权威、阻碍世卫组织发挥作用的作法都是不合时宜的,也不会得到国际社会的支持。 At a crucial moment in humanity’s joint fight against the virus, any attempt to undercut the WHO’s authority and obstruct its role will be most ill-timed and will find no support in the international community.
54800 中方在按时足额交纳世卫组织会费的同时,已向世卫组织捐助2000万美元,前几天我们又再向世卫组织捐款3000万美元,希望更多用于解救发展中国家的紧急需求。 On top of paying its assessed contributions to the WHO on time and in full, China donated US$20 million to the WHO, and this was followed by another donation of US$30 million announced just a few days ago. Hopefully most of these funds will be used for addressing the urgent needs of developing countries.
54801 我们还将向联合国全球人道应对计划捐款,并在力所能及范围内减轻非洲国家债务负担,协助当地提高应对疫情能力。 We will also provide financial support to the UN’s Global Humanitarian Response Plan, and do everything within our capacity to lessen the debt burden on African countries and assist them in boosting anti-epidemic capacity.
54802 针对这次危机暴露出的短板和不足,我们还应推动完善全球公共卫生治理,提升其在国际议程中的位置,打造人类卫生健康共同体。 In view of the weaknesses and inadequacies exposed during this crisis, we also need to enhance global public health governance, make it a higher priority on the international agenda, and work together to build a community of health for all.
54803 第四,坚持开拓进取,深化金砖合作。 Fourth, we should keep forging ahead with BRICS cooperation.