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54824 幼儿园、学校是幼儿、学生集体生活的场所,易感人群集中,易导致交叉感染。 Kindergartens and schools are places where young children and students live together, who are vulnerable to diseases and easily suffer cross-infection.
54825 为科学精准指导各类学校做好新冠肺炎疫情防控工作,维护师生员工生命安全、维护校园正常生活教学秩序,2020年3月12日,国家教育部应对疫情工作领导小组办公室组织编写的《幼儿园新冠肺炎防控指南》《中小学校新冠肺炎防控指南》《高等学校新冠肺炎防控指南》出版上线,对幼儿园、学校做好应对疫情工作具有指导意义。 To accurately guide various schools on epidemic prevention and control, protect the health of children and teachers, and maintain normal teaching order, the leading group on virus prevention of the Ministry of Education on March 12 released different guides on COVID-19 prevention and control in kindergartens, primary and middle schools, and colleges and universities.
54826 幼儿园、学校防控疫情的主要措施包括: For the sake of epidemic prevention and control, the students should do the following:
54827 返校前有过疫情高发地区(如武汉等地区)居住史或旅行史的学生,建议居家观察14天期满再返校; * Stay at home for a 14-day observation before returning to school if they have a travel or residence history from areas hit hard by the epidemic (such as Wuhan and other areas);
54828 学生返校后应每日监测体温和健康状况,尽量减少不必要外出,避免接触其他人员; * Monitor their body temperature and health every day after returning to school, reduce unnecessary outdoor activities and avoid contact with others;
54829 学生与其他师生发生近距离接触的环境中,要正确佩戴医用外科口罩或N95口罩,尽量缩小活动范围; * Properly wear surgical or N95 masks when in close contact with their teachers and schoolmates, and minimize the scope of activities.
54830 学校密切监测学生的健康状态,每日两次测量体温,做好缺勤、早退、请假记录; Schools should do the following:* Monitor the health condition of students, take their body temperature twice a day, and make records of absence, early leave and leave;
54831 如发现学生中出现可疑症状,应立刻向疫情管理人员报告,配合医疗卫生机构做好密切接触者管理和消毒等工作; * Report to epidemic management staff in case of suspicious symptoms among students, and cooperate with medical and health institutions in the management of close contacts and disinfection work;
54832 学校应尽量避免组织大型集体活动; * Avoid organizing large-scale collective activities;
54833 教室、宿舍、图书馆、活动中心、食堂、礼堂、教师办公室、洗手间等公共活动区域加强通风清洁,配备洗手液、手消毒剂等; * Ensure ventilation and cleaning in public activity areas such as classrooms, dormitories, libraries, activity centers, canteens, auditoriums, teacher offices and toilets, and equip these places with hand sanitizers and hand disinfectants;