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54844 如有老人出现可疑症状时,及时为其安排单间进行自我隔离,由医护人员对其健康状况进行评估,视病情状况送至医疗机构就诊,并暂停探访活动。 In case of suspicious symptoms of an elderly, the institution should promptly arrange a single room for quarantine, ask the medical staff to assess his/her health status, send him/her to the medical institution for treatment depending on the condition, and suspend visits to the elderly.
54845 办公场所防控 Office Prevention and Control
54846 办公场所防控主要指在办公区域进行的疫情防控管理。 Office prevention and control mainly refers to epidemic prevention and control management in the workplace.
54847 随着复工复产、人员陆续返岗,办公区域人员密度大、停留时间长、人员构成复杂,增加了办公场所的防控工作难度。 With the resumption of work and production and the return of personnel, the office area has a high density of staff with long stay and a complex composition, which increases the difficulty of prevention and control.
54848 国家卫生健康委在2020年1月29日发布的《新型冠状病毒防控指南(第一版)》中,提供了办公场所防控指南, The Prevention and Control Protocol for Novel Coronavirus (1st Edition), released by the NHC on January 29, provided a guide to workplace prevention and control:
54849 即工作人员要自行健康监测, * The staff should monitor their own health.
54850 若出现新冠状病毒感染的可疑症状(包括发热、咳嗽、咽痛、胸闷、呼吸困难、乏力、恶心呕吐、腹泻、结膜炎、肌肉酸痛等),不要带病上班; * A sick employee should not come to work in case of suspicious symptoms of novel coronavirus pneumonia (such as fever, cough, pharyngalgia, chest distress, breathing difficulties, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and muscle soreness).
54851 若发现新型冠状病毒感染的可疑症状者,工作人员应要求其离开; * People with suspected symptoms of the disease should be refused to enter the workplace.
54852 公用物品及公共接触物品或部位要定期清洗和消毒; * Regularly clean and disinfect public goods and items or parts that are frequently touched by people.
54853 保持办公场所内空气流通; * Maintain indoor ventilation in the workplace;