ID 原文 译文
54854 洗手间要配备足够的洗手液,确保供水设施运行正常; * Ensure sufficient hand sanitizers and proper operation of water supply facilities in the washroom;
54855 保持环境卫生清洁,及时清理垃圾等。 * Keep the workplace clean and tidy, and clean up the garbage in time.
54856 此外,各地还就疫情期间办公场所防控和工作人员防护提出措施建议。 Various localities also adopted detailed measures for the prevention and control of office areas. These included:
54857 例如,建立主体责任制,明确办公场所内各单位各部门的具体职责; * Specify responsibilities of each unit in the office area;
54858 办公场所所在建筑的经营管理者要建立租用户名录清单,建立楼宇、院落出入口体温监测、人员登记等防控措施; * The operator of the building where the office is located draw up a list of tenants, and take temperature check and personnel registration at the building or courtyard entrance;
54859 建立有针对性的防控工作方案; * Make targeted work plans for prevention and control;
54860 强化员工健康监测制度; * Strengthen staff health monitoring;
54861 加强重点岗位重点部门的风险梳理和应对措施; * Conduct risk analysis and work out counter measures for key posts and key departments;
54862 优化工作流程,降低感染风险; * Optimize workflow to reduce the risk of infection;
54863 建立弹性工作制; * Adopt flexible work hours;