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54864 减少会议等不必要的人群聚集性活动; * Reduce unnecessary meetings and other gatherings;
54865 保持办公场所室内空气流通; * Maintain indoor ventilation;
54866 加强日常清洁和预防性消毒措施等。 * Strengthen daily cleaning and preventive disinfection.
54867 公共交通工具防控 Public Transportation Prevention and Control
54868 公共交通工具具有人流量大、人员来源复杂、密切接触可能性大等特点,仅仅靠采取消毒措施切断传播途径来预防疾病传播具有较大难度。 Public transportation features large flow of people, complex personnel source, and high possibility of close contact. It is difficult to prevent the spread of disease by only taking disinfection measures to cut off the transmission route.
54869 因此,应通过加强人员管理、环境卫生及消毒、健康宣教等措施,保障公共交通工具上人员的安全健康。 Measures such as strengthening personnel management, environmental sanitation and disinfection, and health education should be taken to ensure the safety and health of passengers.
54870 国家卫生健康委在2020年1月27日发布的《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控公众预防指南汇编》中,对飞机、火车、地铁、公共汽车和轮船等公共交通工具的卫生防护提供措施建议。1月29日,国务院应对新型冠肺炎疫情联防联控机制印发《公共交通工具消毒操作技术指南的通知》,指导汽车、火车、飞机、轮船等公共交通工具做好消毒工作,防止新冠肺炎通过交通工具传播和扩散。 The NHC provided recommendations on hygienic protection of public transportation such as planes, trains, subways, buses and ships in the Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia released on January 27. On January 29, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council issued a notice on applying the Technical Guidelines for Disinfection of Public Transportation, which provided disinfection suggestions of cars, trains, planes and ships to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus through vehicles.
54871 公共交通工具防控建议主要包括: The suggestions included:
54872 发生疾病流行地区的公共交通工具在岗工作人员应佩戴医用外科口罩或N95口罩,并每日做好健康监测; * On-duty staff of public transportation in epidemic areas should wear surgical or N95 masks, and carry out daily health monitoring;
54873 公共交通工具建议备置体温计、口罩等物品; * Public transportation should have thermometers, masks and other items on them;