ID 原文 译文
54874 增加公共交通工具清洁与消毒频次,做好清洁消毒工作记录和标识; * Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection of public transportation, and make records and identification;
54875 保持公共交通工具良好的通风状态; * Maintain good ventilation;
54876 保持车站、车厢内的卫生整洁,及时清理垃圾; * Keep the station and carriage clean and tidy, and clean up the garbage in time;
54877 做好人员工作与轮休安排,确保司乘人员得到足够休息。 * Schedule proper personnel work and rotating shifts to ensure the crew get enough rest.
54878 公共场所防控 Public Places Prevention and Control
54879 公共场所是公众进行社会活动的重要载体,也是防控传染病发生流行的重点环节,公共场所卫生安全关系人民群众健康和经济社会发展。 Public places are where the general public take part in social activities, therefore they are a key link in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. These places are related to people's health and economic and social development.
54880 为加强疫情防控,2020年1月30日,国务院应对新冠肺炎疫情联防联控机制印发《公共场所新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎卫生防护指南》,对宾馆、商场、影院、游泳馆、博物馆、候车(机)室、办公楼等人群经常聚集活动的公共场所和工作场所的卫生防护提出措施指引和操作要求。 On January 30, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council published a Guide on Health Protection of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia in Public Places, listing suggestions and requirements for health protection in public places and workplaces where people often gather, such as hotels, shopping malls, cinemas, swimming pools, museums, waiting rooms and lounges, and office buildings.
54881 公共场所卫生操作方面,重点做好物体表面清洁消毒,对高频接触的物体表面(如电梯间按钮、扶手、门把手等),可用含氯消毒剂、消毒湿巾进行喷洒或擦拭; * For hygienic practices in public places, it is important to clean and disinfect the surface of objects. Spray or wipe the surfaces with high frequency of contact (elevator buttons, handrails and door handles) with chlorine-containing disinfectants and disinfectant wipes;
54882 加强餐(饮)具的消毒、衣服、被褥、座椅套等纺织物及卫生洁具的清洁消毒; * Ensure disinfection of food (drinking) utensils, sanitary ware, and textiles such as clothes, bedding and seat covers;
54883 加强通风换气,保持场所内空气流通,首选自然风; * Well ventilate the rooms, with natural wind preferred;