ID 原文 译文
54884 定期清洗空调滤网,未使用空调时应关闭回风通道; * Clean the air conditioning filters regularly, and close the air return channel if not in use;
54885 确保场所内洗手设施运行正常,配备足量洗手液、速干手消毒剂或感应式手消毒设施; * Ensure normal operation of hand washing facilities and adequate hand sanitizers, quick-dry hand disinfectants or inductive hand disinfection facilities;
54886 加强垃圾分类管理,及时收集并清运,定期对垃圾桶等垃圾盛装容器进行消毒清洁; * Strengthen garbage classification management, timely collection and removal of garbage, and regular disinfection and cleaning of garbage cans and other containers;
54887 设立应急区域,当出现疑似或确诊病例时,及时到该区域进行暂时隔离和规范处理; * Set an emergency area for temporary isolation and standard treatment of suspected or confirmed cases;
54888 在场所内显著区域,开展防控健康宣教。 * Post health education materials about epidemic prevention and control in a conspicuous place in the site.
54889 个人防护方面,工作人员要做好“三注意”,即注意个人卫生防护、注意手卫生、注意身体状况。 In terms of personal protection, the staff should pay attention to personal protection, hand hygiene, and physical condition.
54890 流动人员要减少聚集,减少不必要的外出,如果外出应做好个人防护和手卫生,在人口较为密集的公共场所,建议佩戴医用口罩、勤洗手等;办公楼等场所要加强对来访人员健康监测和登记等工作。 Mobile personnel should reduce gatherings and unnecessary outings. They must make sure of personal protection and hand hygiene if going out. In crowded public places, it is recommended to wear medical masks and wash hands frequently. Health monitoring and registration of visitors shall be made at office buildings and other places.
54891 家庭防控 Family Prevention and Control
54892 家庭是社会的细胞,也是抗疫情的基础力量和重要防线。 The family is the cell of society and an important place of defense against the epidemic.
54893 目前诸多新冠肺炎病例中,家庭聚集性感染的特征较为突出,这是因为多人长时间聚集在同一空间,很容易造成病毒传播扩散,出现“一人感染,一家传染”的情况。 Among novel coronavirus cases, family infections are prominent. The gathering of people in the same space for a long time can easily cause virus spreading and result in “infection of a whole family by one confirmed member.”