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54894 国家卫生健康委在2020年1月27日发布的《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎防控公众预防指南汇编》中介绍了“家庭新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎预防指南”,提供了适用于家庭场所的日常预防建议: The Guidebook on Public Prevention of Novel Coronavirus-infected Pneumonia issued by the NHC made the following suggestions for family members:
54895 一是避免去疾病正在流行的地区; * Avoid visiting areas where the disease is prevalent;
54896 二是减少到人员密集、尤其是空气流动性差的公共场所活动; * Reduce visits to crowded public places, especially places of poor ventilation;
54897 三是不要接触、购买和使用野生动物,避免前往售卖活体动物的市场,禽肉蛋要充分煮熟后食用; * Do not touch, buy and eat wild animals; avoid visiting markets that sell live animals, and cook poultry, eggs and meat thoroughly;
54898 四是居室保持清洁,勤开窗通风; * Keep your home clean and open windows frequently for better ventilation;
54899 五是随时保持手卫生; * Maintain hand hygiene;
54900 六是外出佩戴口罩; * Wear a mask when going out;
54901 七是保持良好卫生和健康习惯; * Keep good personal hygiene and health habits;
54902 八是主动做好个人及家庭成员的健康监测; * Monitor health conditions of yourself and your family members;
54903 九是准备常用物资,如体温计、一次性口罩、家用消毒用品等。 * Keep necessary medical supplies at home, such as thermometer, disposable masks and domestic disinfectants.