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54904 此外,该《指南》还对家庭成员出现可疑症状时的情况提供了防控建议,强调如家庭成员出现新冠肺炎可疑症状,应及时佩戴口罩并就医; The Guidance suggested that family members with suspicious symptoms should wear masks and seek prompt medical advice;
54905 如家庭中有人被诊断为新冠肺炎患者,其他家庭成员如果经判定为密切接触者,应接受14天医学观察; when one family member is diagnosed with COVID-19, other members, if identified as close contacts, have to take medical observation for 14 consecutive days;
54906 患者和密切接触者应避免与无症状的其他家庭成员近距离接触; patients and close contacts should avoid close contact with other family members who have no symptom;
54907 对有症状的家庭成员经常接触的地方和物品进行消毒等。 and the places where the family member with symptoms stays and the objects he/she frequently touches should be sterilized.
54908 健康监测与就医 Health Monitoring and Going to Hospital
54909 发热、咳嗽和呼吸困难可能是呼吸道感染或其他严重疾病导致的症状。 Fever, cough and breathing difficulties might be induced by respiratory infections and other severe diseases.
54910 应密切关注健康状况,如果出现发热、咳嗽等症状,应注意戴口罩等个人防护,及时就近就医。 People should closely monitor their health conditions, take personal protection measures like wearing facemasks, and go to see a doctor nearby when they display symptoms like fever and coughing.
54911 公民应主动做好个人与家庭成员的健康监测,尽可能减少与有呼吸道疾病症状(如发烧、咳嗽或打喷嚏等)的人密切接触,自觉发热时要主动测量体温。 Citizens should monitor their health and that of their family members, minimize close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory diseases (such as fever, cough or sneezing), and take temperature when feeling feverish.
54912 家中有儿童的,可早晚摸试其额头,如有发热及时为其测量体温。 If there are children at home, parents can touch their foreheads in the morning and evening, and take their temperature in time if they have a fever.
54913 发生以下两种情况时应及时到当地指定医疗机构进行排查诊治: People should go to local designated medical institutions for health check, diagnosis and treatment under the following two circumstances: