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54914 一是出现发热(腋下温度≥37.3℃)、咳嗽、气促等急性呼吸道感染症状; (1) displaying symptoms of respiratory infections such as fever (with axillary temperature ≥37.3℃), coughing and shortness of breath;
54915 二是有武汉及周边地区,或其他有病例报告社区的旅行史或居住史,或发病前14天内曾接触过来自武汉及周边地区,或其他有病例报告社区的旅行史或居住史的发热伴呼吸道症状的患者,或出现聚集性发病。 or (2) having traveled to or lived in Wuhan or surrounding areas or communities where confirmed cases have been reported, or having contact, within 14 days before feeling ill, with patients who have fever and symptoms of respiratory infections and have traveled to or lived in Wuhan or surrounding areas or communities where confirmed cases have been reported, or having involved in clustered cases.
54916 前往医院的路上,应佩戴医用外科口罩或N95口罩,尽量避免乘坐公共交通工具,路上打开车窗。 On the way to see a doctor, people should wear surgical masks or respirators of grade N95, avoid taking public transportation, and open the window of the vehicle they take.
54917 在路上和到医院时,尽可能离其他人至少1米距离。 They should keep at least 1 meter from others on the way to and after arriving at the hospital.
54918 就医时,应如实详细讲述患病情况和就医过程,告知医生近期旅行居住史、人员和动物接触史等,配合医生开展相关调查。 They should tell the doctor in detail about their conditions, their recent travel and residence history, and their contact with people and animals, and cooperate with the doctor in relevant investigations.
54919 不接触、购买和食用野生动物 No Touching, Buying and Eating of Wild Animals
54920 野生动物是指所有非经人工饲养而生活于自然环境下的各种动物。 Wild animals refer to all kinds of animals that live in a natural environment without artificial rearing.
54921 许多野生动物带有多种病毒,如果人与之接触,可能将病毒传播给人类。 Many wild animals carry multiple viruses that can be transmitted to humans through contact.
54922 如艾滋病、莱姆病、埃博拉病毒、亨德拉病毒、猴痘、SARS、MERS以及新冠病毒等,都是通过野生动物传播到人类。 Viruses like AIDS, Lyme disease, Ebola virus, Hendra virus, monkey pox, SARS, MERS, and novel coronavirus can spread to humans through wild animals.
54923 中国早在1988年就颁布了《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》,规定禁止出售、购买、利用国家重点保护野生动物及其制品,禁止生产、经营使用国家重点保护野生动物及其制品制作的食品,或者使用没有合法来源证明的非国家重点保护野生动物及其制品制作的食品。 China promulgated the Law on the Protection of Wildlife in 1988, which prohibits the sale, purchase and utilization of wildlife that are under special state protection and their products, and prohibits the production and sale of food made of wildlife that are under special state protection and their products, or of food made of wildlife that are not under special state protection and their products without proof of legal source.