ID 原文 译文
54934 不随地吐痰; * Do not spit;
54935 口鼻分泌物用纸巾包好,弃置于有盖垃圾箱内; * Wrap your oral and nasal secretion with tissue and throw it in a covered dustbin;
54936 注意营养,适度运动; * Balance your nutrition and exercise moderately;
54937 不要接触、购买和食用野生动物(即野味),尽量避免前往售卖活体动物(禽类、海产品、野生动物等)的市场; * Do not touch, buy and eat wild animals (gamey), and avoid visiting the market that sells live animals (poultry, seafood and wild animals);
54938 家庭备置体温计、医用外科口罩或N95口罩、家用消毒用品等物资。 * Have thermometer, surgical or N95 masks, and domestic disinfectants at home.
54939 新西兰宣布打赢社区防疫战并降低警戒级别 New Zealand has won "battle" against community spread of coronavirus, prime minister says
54940 新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩周一宣布,由于连日来新增新冠肺炎病例皆为个位数,新西兰决定将警戒级别从4级降到3级,并声称新西兰已经打赢了社区防疫战。  New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Monday that the country has "won" the battle against widespread community transmission of the coronavirus, for now. The country is also dropping from Alert Level Four to Alert Level Three, as the number of new coronavirus cases continue to remain low.
54941 阿德恩周一在新闻发布会上说,在过去几天,新西兰新增的新冠肺炎病例一直是“个位数”。 Over the past several days, new cases of coronavirus in the country have been "in the single digits," Ardern said in a press conference Monday.
54942 她声称这组数字“不可思议”,并将病例数量降低归功于“每个新西兰人做出的牺牲”。 She called the numbers "incredible," crediting the low amount of cases to the "sacrifices that every single New Zealander has made."
54943 阿德恩解释道,要想完全“打赢”防疫战,新西兰必须将剩余病例“一网打尽”,但新西兰已经成功阻止疫情在社区间广泛传播。 Ardern explained that to fully "succeed" in the fight against the coronavirus, the country must "hunt down" the remaining cases of the virus but that it has won the battle against more widespread community transmission.