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54944 阿德恩说:“新西兰不存在广泛的、未检测到的社区传播。 "There is no widespread, undetected community transmission in New Zealand.
54945 我们已经打赢了这场仗。 We have won that battle," said Ardern. "
54946 但是如果我们要保持这个态势,就要保持警觉。” But we must remain vigilant if we are to keep it that way."
54947 周一新西兰仅报告了1例新增新冠肺炎确诊病例和4例疑似病例。 New Zealand reported just one new confirmed case of coronavirus Monday, with four "probable" cases.
54948 新西兰卫生部总干事阿什利·布卢姆菲尔德博士在新闻发布会上说,全国确诊病例总数为1122例。 The national total of confirmed cases is 1,122, Director-General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield said at the press conference.
54949 根据卫生部的数据,新西兰有19人死于新冠肺炎。 Nineteen people have died from the disease in New Zealand, according to the Ministry of Health.
54950 随后在新闻发布会上,布卢姆菲尔德被问及他是否认为新冠病毒已经在新西兰被消灭。 Later in the press conference, Bloomfield was asked if he considered the coronavirus to be eliminated in the country.
54951 “我们的目标是消灭,”布卢姆菲尔德说,“但是,消灭不意味着根除,而是意味着我们将病例数量降到极低,从而可以消灭任何病例和任何可能暴发的疫情。”  "Our goal is elimination," Bloomfield said. "And again, that doesn't mean eradication, but it means we get down to a small number of cases so that we are able to stamp out any cases and any outbreaks that might come up."
54952 阿德恩进一步解释说,新冠肺炎“目前”在新西兰被消灭了,但新病例可能会继续出现:“就像我们说的,消灭疫情意味着病例数量趋于零,但我们很可能还会有少量病例出现。 Ardern further explained the disease is "currently" eliminated in New Zealand, but that new cases may continue to appear: "So as we have said elimination means we may well reach zero, but we may well then have small numbers of cases coming up again," she said. "
54953 这不意味着我们失败了,只是意味着我们可以对病毒采取零容忍的态度,可以积极地管控病例,让病例数量保持在低位,然后再逐渐消失。” That doesn't mean we have failed, it just means that we are in the position to have that zero tolerance approach to have a very aggressive management of those cases and keep those numbers low and fading out again."