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54954 新西兰于周一午夜11点59分将警戒级别降到3级。 New Zealand lowered to Alert Level Three on Monday at 11:59 pm.
54955 之前新西兰在3月25日宣布全国进入紧急状态并采取封锁措施。 It had previously declared a state of emergency and gone on lockdown March 25.
54956 阿德恩充分强调说,尽管警戒级别更新了,但新西兰还不能回到“新冠疫情前的生活。 Ardern fully stressed that despite the updated alert level, the country cannot yet return to "pre-COVID-19 life.
54957 那一天会到来的,只是不是现在。” That day will come but it is not here yet."
54958 根据政府的宣传单,在3级警戒级别下,“除非不可能否则”人们依然要在家工作,关键岗位的工作人员除外。 Under level three, people are still told to work from home "unless that is not possible," with the exception of essential workers, according to a government handout.
54959 公众被允许稍微扩大社交圈,不局限于自家人,还可以包括近亲、保姆或为当地社区里的孤立个体提供支持。 The public is permitted to expand their interactions slightly from just their "household bubble," to include close family, caregivers or provide support to isolated individuals in their local area.
54960 根据宣传单,零售店、商场和餐厅在保证安全的情况下可以开门营业,但他们必须通过外送、免下车服务或无接触提货的方式来营业。 Retail, stores and restaurants may open if they do so safely, but they must do business solely through means of delivery, drive-through or contactless pick up, according to the handout.
54961 超市、药房和食物银行会继续开放。 Supermarkets, pharmacies and food banks continue remain open.
54962 新西兰将在未来两周处于3级警戒级别,之后政府会视进展情况来发布进一步的指导意见。 The country will remain at Alert Level Three for two weeks, before the government reviews progress and issues further guidance.
54963 保持手卫生 Keeping Hands Clean