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54964 除了外出佩戴口罩,洗手也是预防传染病最简单、最有效的措施之一。 Besides wearing facemasks when going out, washing hands is also one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent infectious disease.
54965 日常工作、生活中,人们的手不断接触到被病毒、细菌污染的物品,手上的病原体可以通过手和口、眼、鼻的粘膜接触进入人体。 In daily work and life, people may touch items contaminated by viruses and bacteria, and pathogens on their hands can get into their bodies through the mucosae of mouth, eyes and nose.
54966 洗手可以简单有效地切断这一传播途径,有效降低感染新冠病毒的风险。 Washing hands can easily and effectively interrupt transmission through mucosae and reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections.
54967 为避免病毒经手传播,应尽量减少接触公共场所的公共物品和部位,同时注意勤洗手。 To avoid transmission of the virus through hands, people should avoid touching items and facilities at public places and wash hands frequently.
54968 以下情况应及时洗手: They should wash hands under the following conditions:
54969 外出归来,戴口罩前及摘下口罩后, * after coming back from outside; * before putting on facemasks;* after taking off facemasks;
54970 接触过泪液、鼻涕、痰液和唾液后, * after touching tears, nasal discharge, sputum and saliva;
54971 咳嗽打喷嚏用手遮挡后, * after coughing and sneezing;
54972 护理患者后, * after caring for patients;
54973 准备食物前,用餐前, * before preparing and eating food;